[CircularOfJanus] November Circular

Lynette R. F. Cowper lcowper at io.com
Thu Nov 11 14:20:36 EST 2010

Circle of Janus Science Fiction Club of Indiana
 The Circular of Janus
 October 31, 2010
 Volume 31, Issue 11

 Summary of the October Meeting - Lynette Cowper
 Proposed Bylaws Changes
 Nominees for Office
 Mark Your Calendars
 A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy - Lynette Cowper
 New Year's Eve Party
 November Meeting Agenda
 New Books - from Locus
 Meeting Info & Club Officers


Summary of the October Meeting
 by Lynette Cowper

The October meeting was held on October 2nd at the 7th and 8th Christian
Church. A lot of folks were there. I don't recall that any officers were

The August and June minutes were approved. There was a question about the
mistaken identification of Pam Easterday as a guest, rather than a CoJ
member, in the September Board minutes, but that will need to be rectified
at the next Board meeting.

There was a final convention report from Kat on InConJunction 30. The long
and short of it being that we made a decent profit, hit our room night
requirements, and didn't have any major disasters. There's some talk of
spending a bit more in some areas next year, since we've been pulling in a
pretty consistent profit.

Mike reported on his con. He had most of the ConCom filled, but was still
looking for assistants and other help in some areas.

Kathie didn't have much to report for hers yet.

We planned to have a Procrastinator’s Halloween Party at the November
meeting, but the change in venue since that time has put the kibosh on
those plans.

We discussed the Anniversary Party. I don't recall what, if any, decision
was made. Kathie mentioned the New Year's Eve Party at the Clarion. More
information on that is here in this newsletter.

There were some other reports. I don't remember anything significant from

We then went into the proposed changes to the Bylaws, which were read and
discussed and then tabled to be voted on in November. They are here in the
newsletter in their own article.

We dealt with a couple of meeting date changes. We moved the November
meeting to the 13th, since most of our Board and some of our membership
was going to be attending the wedding of Kevin Spencer and Charissa Bihl.
The January meeting, which is on New Year's Day, got moved to the 8th.

We then opened the floor to nominations, which came pretty fast and
furious. You'll have to excuse Stephen for not getting all the seconds
recorded. The nominations are also included in their own article.

After that, there were announcements and then Chaos. It was a long
meeting, but things were accomplished.


Proposed Bylaws Changes
 by the Bylaws Caucus

[I would highly recommend reading these in the PDF version of the
newsletter, as the formatting there has allowed me to establish clearer
headings & sub-headings and set apart the new from the old to make it
clearer what is being voted on. -- LRFC]

The Role and Duties of the Chairman of the Board
   Proposed change in Paragraph 4B:
         "The duties of the Chairman of the Board shall be to moderate
Board meetings."
         "The duties of the Chairman of the Board shall be to maintain a
meeting space for meetings of the Board; ensure that the Board
abides by the Bylaws and established policies of the Club when
conducting business; support the President of the Circle of Janus
and other Club Officers in the performance of their duties; plan
and manage Board and Board committee meetings; communicate
regularly with the President about Club business, especially as
it relates to the agenda and matters to be addressed at Board
meetings; moderate meetings of the Board; develop the agenda for
the bimonthly Board meetings; guide discussion on agenda items
during Board meetings; charge committees that report to the
Board; report to the Membership about Board business at meetings
of the Club; and orient the incoming Chairman for his/her

   Proposed change in Paragraph 5C:
         "Board of Directors shall meet every two months at a time set by
the President or more often as deemed necessary by the
         "Board of Directors shall meet every two months at a time set by
the Chairman or more often as deemed necessary by the Chairman."

Properly Placing Chairman of the Board and Convention Chairman Rules
   Proposed change in Paragraph 4H:
         "Executive committee"
      changed to
         "Board of Directors"

      And the following sentence be stricken:
         "The Convention Chairman shall be nominated, elected, and
recalled in the same manner as the Club President."

      Resulting in the full text for 4H:
         Convention Chairman shall be the Chairman of InConJunction and
shall be charged with the execution of this Convention on behalf
of the Circle of Janus. The Convention Chairman operates the
Convention as set forth in the Bylaws and subject to the review
of the Board of Directors. The Convention Chairman will form a
committee to operate InConJunction. The term of the Convention
Chairman shall expire on September 30th following the Convention
for which that Chairman is responsible. The Convention Chairman
shall be expected to have all business concluded at that time.

   Proposed change in Paragraph 6A:
      Current wording:
         Club Officers shall be elected annually by secret ballot, by the
membership the first business meeting of the calendar year. Club
Officers shall hold their terms of office from the close of the
first calendar meeting to the close of the following first
calendar year meeting. The Convention Chairman shall be elected
at the first business meeting of the calendar year, at least 24
months prior to the Convention for which he/she shall be
responsible and shall serve as Vice-Chairman during the term of
the prior elected Chairman.

      Proposed wording:
         Club Officers, other than the Chairman of the Board, shall be
elected annually by secret ballot, by the membership the first
business meeting of the calendar year. The Chairman of the Board
shall be elected every two years in the same manner. Club
Officers, other than Chairman of the Board and Convention
Chairmen, shall hold their terms of office from the close of the
first calendar meeting to the close of the following first
calendar year meeting. The Chairman of the Board shall hold his
term of office from the close of the first calendar meeting to
the close of the first calendar year meeting two years hence. The
Convention Chairman shall be elected at the first business
meeting of the calendar year, at least 24 months prior to the
Convention for which he/she shall be responsible and shall serve
as Vice-Chairman during the term of the prior elected Chairman.
The Convention Chairman shall hold his term of office from the
close of the first calendar meeting through September 30th
following the Convention for which that Chairman is responsible.

   Proposed addition to Paragraph 6E:
         "The Chairman of the Board also must have previously held Club
office. The sitting Chairman of the Board shall not concurrently
hold any other Club office. Other Officers may hold more than one

      This results in the full paragraph 6E:
         Club Officers must be dues-paying members for two full,
consecutive years immediately prior to taking office and must
maintain their membership in good standing for the term of their
office. The Chairman of the Board also must have previously held
Club office. The sitting Chairman of the Board shall not
concurrently hold any other Club office. Other Officers may hold
more than one position.

   Proposed change to Paragraph 5A:
      Since the Chairman of the Board qualifications, election, and term
will have been placed in the proper sections, the following shall be
stricken from Paragraph 5A:
         "elected every two years who has previously held Club office. The
sitting Chairman of the Board shall not concurrently hold any
other Club office"
      and that
         "a Chairman"
      be changed to
         "the Chairman of the Board".

      Rendering Paragraph 5A:
         There shall be a Board of Directors consisting of the current
Club Officers and headed by the Chairman of the Board.

Correcting Terminology
   Proposed change in Paragraph 6F:
      The following sentence:
         "Nominations for other Club offices would be accepted up until
the voting for Officers during the January meeting."

      be changed to:
         "Nominations for other Club offices shall be accepted up until
the voting takes place during the first business meeting of the

      Resulting in the full Paragraph 6F:
         Nominations shall be opened at the October meeting, and a list of
those candidates nominated will be published in the newsletter
the months before the election. Convention Chairman nominations
shall be accepted from that date through Dec 1st. Nominations for
other Club offices shall be accepted up until the voting takes
place during the first business meeting of the year.

Splitting Elections and Vacancy in Office Bylaws
   Proposed Change to Paragraph 6 and New Paragraph 7:
      A new Paragraph 7 entitled "Vacancies in Office" shall be created--
all subsequent Paragraphs being moved down a number-- and that the
current Paragraph 6 sections J, L, M, and N be moved to Paragraph 7
to become sections A, B, C, and D respectively, and that Paragraph
6K should then be moved up to become Paragraph 6J.

      This, along with other proposed changes, renders the following:

         Paragraph 6: Elections
            A. Club Officers, other than the Chairman of the Board, shall
be elected annually by secret ballot, by the membership the
first business meeting of the calendar year. The Chairman of
the Board shall be elected every two years in the same manner.
Club Officers, other than Chairman of the Board and Convention
Chairmen, shall hold their terms of office from the close of
the first calendar meeting to the close of the following first
calendar year meeting. The Convention Chairman shall be
elected at the first business meeting of the calendar year, at
least 24 months prior to the Convention for which he/she shall
be responsible and shall serve as Vice-Chairman during the
term of the prior elected Chairman. The Convention Chairman
shall hold his term of office from the close of the first
calendar meeting through September 30th following the
Convention for which that Chairman is responsible. The
Chairman of the Board shall hold his term of office from the
close of the first calendar meeting to the close of the first
calendar year meeting two years hence.

            B. The President, subject to the approval of the membership,
will appoint an Election Officer. The Election Officer will
appoint two people to aid in the election process. The
Election Officer and the aforementioned appointees may not be
candidates for office.

            C. Write-in candidates are allowed for any office.

            D. A provision will be made for absentee ballots for a member
who requests one. They must be returned to the Election
Officer by the election meeting. Absentee ballots can be
mailed to the Circle of Janus post office box, e-mailed to the
Election Officer, or can be given to the Election Officer via
telephone at the meeting.

            E. Club Officers must be dues-paying members for two full,
consecutive years immediately prior to taking office and must
maintain their membership in good standing for the term of
their office. The Chairman of the Board also must have
previously held Club office. The sitting Chairman of the Board
shall not concurrently hold any other Club office. Other
Officers may hold more than one position.

            F. Nominations shall be opened at the October meeting, and a
list of those candidates nominated will be published in the
newsletter the months before the election. Convention Chairman
nominations shall be accepted from that date through Dec 1st.
Nominations for other Club offices shall be accepted up until
the voting takes place during the first business meeting of
the year.

            G. Each office will be nominated for and voted on one at a
time in the following order: Convention Chairman, Chairman of
the Board (if necessary), President, Vice-President,
Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms. This will allow an
unsuccessful candidate to run for a different position.

            H. Any Officer may hold an unlimited number of consecutive terms.

            I. The candidate that received a simple majority of the votes
cast, in person or absentee will be elected.

            J. Proxy voting will not be allowed.

         Paragraph 7: Vacancies in Office

            A. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the
Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Sergeant-at-Arms, the
President shall appoint someone to fill the vacancy. The
appointed person shall complete the term of that office. In
the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, the
Vice- President shall fill the vacancy and serve out the term
of office. The new President shall fill the vacancy in the
office of Vice-President in the manner dictated above.

            B. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Chairman of
the Board, a new Chairman shall be elected, for the remainder
of the term, at the next business meeting of the Club.

            C. In the event of a vacancy in the position of Convention
Chairman within the fiscal year of that Convention, the Board
shall offer the position to each standing Convention Chairman
in elected order. By accepting this position, the successor is
not required to relinquish his previous position. In the event
the vacancy is not filled, the Board shall appoint the
Convention Chairman.

            D. In the event of a vacancy in the position of Convention
Chairman earlier than the fiscal year of that Convention, the
Board shall offer the position to each standing Convention
Chairman in elected order. By accepting this position, the
successor is not required to relinquish his previous position.
In the event the vacancy is not filled, a special election
shall be held at the next business meeting of the Club to fill
the position.

Establishing Policies on Recall Votes
   Proposed change and additions to Paragraph 7 (now 8):
      The following text in Paragraph 7A (please note, if the motion above
to add a new Paragraph 7 is approved, this will now be Paragraph 8)
be stricken:
         "The recall vote shall be conducted in the same manner as the
Officer election process as outlined in paragraph 6, section I."

      and that the following sections be added:
         B. The President, subject to the approval of the membership, will
appoint a Recall Officer. The Recall Officer will appoint two
people to aid in the recall process.

         C. The recall vote shall be by secret ballot. A provision will be
made for absentee ballots for members who request one. They must
be returned to the Recall Officer by the recall meeting. Absentee
ballots can be mailed to the Circle of Janus post office box,
e-mailed to the Recall Officer, or can be given to the Recall
Officer via telephone at the meeting.

         D. If a simple majority of the votes cast, in person or absentee,
approve the recall, the person is recalled.

         E. Proxy voting will not be allowed.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
   Proposed addition to Paragraph 5B:
         "The Board is responsible for determining the need for specific
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the Club and convention
and is responsible for ensuring that said SOPs are created and
maintained. The content of any SOP is subject to the Board's

   Resulting in the full text for 5B:
         The Board of Directors shall be charged with assisting the
President in the operation of the Club and the execution of
incidental business pertaining to that operation. All contracts
to be signed for the Circle of Janus or InConJunction are subject
to the Board’s approval. The Board of Directors shall further
serve in an oversight capacity in relation to the Convention and
shall have the authority to set spending limits for the
Convention. The Convention budget is subject to the Board of
Directors' approval. The Board is responsible for determining the
need for specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the
Club and convention and is responsible for ensuring that said
SOPs are created and maintained. The content of any SOP is
subject to the Board's approval.


Nominees for Office
 by Lynette Cowper and Stephen Kendall

Here is what we have for elections at this point.

ConChair for InConJunction 33 (2013)
   Cheryl Miller-Andrews (not yet accepted/declined)
   Lynette Cowper
   Melissa Kocias (via email)
   Jeff Thompson
   [Kat Robertson (declined via email)]

Chairman of the Board
   Andy Andrews (not yet accepted/declined)
   Dave Henninger

   Lynette Cowper
   Kathie Thompson
   [Mike Cowper (declined)]
   [Kat Robertson (declined)]

Vice President
   Lynette Cowper
   Mike Cowper
   Kathie Thompson
   [Kat Robertson (declined)]

   Megan Cowper (not yet accepted/declined)
   [Anjala Dick (declined)]
   [Stephen Kendall (declined)]
   [Ricky Lile (declined)]

   Kent Raquet
   Emily Rodgers

   Megan Cowper (not yet accepted/declined)
   Mike Cowper
   Anjala Dick
   Dillan Dick
   Ricky Lile
   Jeff Thompson


Mark Your Calendars

November 2010

 4-7: ShaunCon - Kansas City, KS

 5: Whoosier Network Mtg - Jesus Metropolitan C.C.
 5: Megamind
 5-7: Anime NebrasKon - Omaha, NE
 5-7: ICON 35 - Cedar Rapids, IA
 5-7: KuroKiiro Festival - Pittsburgh, PA
 5-7: MechaniCon 2010 - West Chester, PA
 5-7: Nekocon - Hampton, VA
 5-7: PentaCon XXVI - Fort Wayne, Indiana
 5-7: SugoiCon - Ft. Mitchell, KY

 6: HammerCon II - Hamilton, Ontario
 6-7: MidOhioCon - Columbus, OH

 7: Daylight Savings Time Ends

 10: Steven Marsh's birthday
 10: Indy Knights Jedi Panel - southside Borders, 7pm

 12: Skyline
 12-13: Nerdacon - Columbus, GA
 12-14: Anime USA - Arlington, VA
 12-14: Chicago Kollision Con - Schaumburg, IL
 12-14: Erie Days of Gaming - Erie, Pa
 12-14: GASPcon XI - Pittsburgh, PA
 12-14: MACE - High Point, NC
 12-14: MEPACON - Dunmore, PA
 12-14: OmegaCon - Siren, WI
 12-14: U-CON Gaming Convention - Ann Arbor, MI
 12-14: Windycon 37 - Lombard, IL

 13: CoJ Meeting - JMCC
 13: IAS Meeting - Holcomb Observatory
 13: Hama-Con - Huntsville, AL
 13: Kaji-con - Valdosta, GA
 13: TerpCon XIII - College Park, MD
 13-14: Dotcon - Toronto, ON
 13-14: Sukoshicon: Huntsville - Huntsville, AL

 14: IAC Meeting - Glendale Branch Library

 16: CoJ Board Meeting - Midwest Internet

 17-18: Leonid Meteor Shower

 18-24: WarCon 2 - Warrensburg, Missouri

 19: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1
 19-21: Arkansas Anime Festival - Bentonville, AR
 19-21: DaishCon - Stevens Point, WI
 19-21: Midwest Furfest - Rosemont, IL
 19-21: SFContario - Toronto, ON

 24: The Nutcracker in 3D

 26-28: Chambanacon #40 - Champaign-Urbana, IL
 26-28: Chicago TARDIS - Lombard, IL
 26-28: Darkovercon 33 - Timmonium, MD
 26-28: Starbase Indy - Indianapolis Marriott East
 26-28: WolfCon - Chicago, IL

 27: Gemma Rollison's birthday
 27: Atlanta Anime Day - Atlanta, GA

December 2010

 3: Whoosier Network Mtg - Jesus Metropolitan C.C.
 3: The Warrior's Way
 3-4: MDG WinterCon - Rochester, Michigan
 3-5: Steel City Con - Monroeville, PA

 4: CoJ Anniversary Party?
 4: Crystal Walter's birthday
 4-5: Sangawa Project - Pittsburgh, PA

 10: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

 12: Wendy Carson's birthday
 12: Ash Comic Show - Ramada Inn

 13: Laura Edwards' birthday
 13-14: Geminid Meteor Shower

 17: The Tempest
 17: TRON: Legacy
 17-19: Bishie Con - St. Louis, MO

 19: IAC Meeting - Glendale Branch Library

 20: Jessica Bunn's birthday

 21: Total Lunar Eclipse

 22: Gulliver's Travels

January 2011

 7: Whoosier Network Mtg - Jesus Metropolitan C.C.
 7: Season of the Witch
 7-8: ShadowCon - Memphis, TN
 7-9: GAFilk - Atlanta, GA
 7-9: Ichibancon - Charlotte, NC

 8: CoJ Meeting and Elections

 13: Robbin Speed's birthday

 14: The Green Hornet
 14-16: Chattanooga Rail Gaming Challenge - Chattanooga, TN
 14-16: DeCONPression - Worthington, OH
 14-16: MarsCon - Williamsburg, VA
 14-16: SCARAB - Columbia, SC

 15-16: Anime-Zap! - Peoria, IL

 16: IAC Meeting - Glendale Branch Library

 21-23: Chattacon - Chattanooga, TN
 21-23: This ConFusion Not Yet Rated - Troy, MI

 22: IAS General Meeting - Holcomb Observatory

 25: Rob Pyatt's birthday

 28: The Rite
 28-30: Ohayocon - Columbus, OH
 28-30: Winter War 38 - Champaign, IL

 29: TENGAICON 6 - Manhattan, Kansas
 29-30: Setsucon - State College, PA


A Few Cool Things to Do in Indy
 By Lynette Cowper

Hubble 3D: Through the power of IMAX 3D, Hubble 3D will enable movie-goers
to journey through distant galaxies, to explore the grandeur and mysteries
of our celestial surroundings, and accompany spacewalking astronauts as
they attempt the most difficult and important tasks in NASA's history. The
film will offer an inspiring and unique look into the Hubble Space
Telescope's legacy and highlight its profound impact on the way we view
the universe and ourselves. November 9 through 21, IMAX Theater.

Titanica: Titanica, shot during a high-risk international expedition
12,500 feet beneath the North Atlantic, takes audiences on an adventure of
discovery to the site of the world's most famous shipwreck. Award-winning
filmmaker Stephen Low brings the tragic tale of the Titanic to life
through the eyes of colorful crew members, through spectacular, life-size
images of the wreck on the ocean floor, and, in stark contrast, one
survivor's poignant story of the Titanic's ill-fated maiden voyage.
November 9 through 21, IMAX Theater.

Ancestor Tales: The Old Stories of Ireland told by Niall de Burca: Niall
de Burca was raised in the wild west of Ireland; a region steeped in
Celtic myth and legend. A tradition bearer at ease telling in both Gaelic
and English, Niall is a familiar figure in Ireland telling in theatre,
radio, and television. Using his voice with a craftsman skill, Niall tells
the old stories with wonderful charm and superb timing. December 4, 7:30
PM, Indiana History Center.

Wicked: So much happened before Dorothy dropped in. Long before that girl
from Kansas arrives in Munchkinland, two girls meet in the land of Oz. One
- born with emerald green skin - is smart, fiery and misunderstood. The
other is beautiful, ambitious and very popular. Dec 15 through Jan 1,
Murat Theatre.

Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition: The Indiana State Museum will pay
tribute to the legendary tragedy of the sinking of Titanic when it debuts
Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition which will showcase more than 240
artifacts recovered from the Ship's debris field, offering visitors a
poignant look at the iconic vessel and its passengers. Through Jan 16,
2011, Indiana State Museum.


New Year's Eve Party
 By Kathie Thompson

It's that time of year again when we start thinking about the New Year's
Eve Party. As usual, it is a pitch-in with the USS Quantum, Circle of
Janus, Indy Knights, Whoosier Network, and any other local SF clubs
invited. The manager at the Clarion has lowered the rates for us this
year. We always have a great time.

Please RSVP to Kathie Thompson at coj-president at inconjunction dot org
(you should know how to put those together) and let us know what you are
bringing as a side dish and if you are getting a room.

WHEN: Friday, December 31, starting at 6pm

WHERE: Clarion Inn and Suites Northwest

   7001 Corporate Drive

   Indianapolis, IN 46278

   (317) 298-3700

   Standard: $62
   Minisuite: $64
   One-room whirlpool suite: $89
   VIP whirlpool suite: $135
   Presidential suite: $163

Be sure to mention that you are with the USS Quantum / Circle of Janus New
Year's Eve Party to get the lower rates.


Meeting Agenda

[Please note, the agenda is a best-guess. Undoubtedly, the President will
have other items to address and may choose to approach these in a
different order and some of the items (like Member Services Report) not at
all. -- LRFC]

 The Circle of Janus
 November Meeting
 November 13, 2010

 Call the meeting to order (7:00pm)
 Approval of the Minutes of the October Meeting (with changes if necessary)
    Treasurer's Report
    Board Report
    Convention Report, InConJunction 31
    Convention Report, InConJunction 32
    Audit committee Report, if any
    Member Services Report, if any
    Member Activities
       Scheduled Speakers or activities so far
          December Anniversary Party
             When and where?
          New Year’s Eve Party
          Non-Meeting Meetings
             November or December?
    Other communications, if any
       Webmaster, if needed
       Newsletter, if needed
 Old Business
    New Meeting Space
    Changes to the Bylaws
       Proposed change to Paragraph 4B (Duties of the Chairman of the Board)
       Proposed change to Paragraph 5C (Board meetings now scheduled by
Chairman of the Board)
       Proposed change to Paragraph 4H (Terminology correction and
Convention Chairman election rule removed (A more accurate one
being placed in the proper paragraph)
       Proposed change to Paragraph 6A (Chairman of the Board and
Convention Chairman election rules placed in appropriate paragraph)
       Proposed addition to Paragraph 6E (Chairman of the Board
requirements place in the appropriate paragraph)
       Proposed change to Paragraph 5A (Removal of Chairman of the Board
election and requirements, as they have been placed appropriately)
       Proposed change to Paragraph 6F ("January meeting" changed to
"Election meeting")
       Proposed Change to Paragraph 6 and New Paragraph 7 (Splitting
Election and Vacancy in Office bylaws into separate sections)
       Proposed change and additions to Paragraph 7 (now 8) (Specific
rules for Recalls)
       Proposed addition to Paragraph 5B (SOP)
    Reminder that the January meeting date is 1-8-2011
       Nominations for InConJunction 33 (2013) ConChair
       Nominations for Chairman of the Board
       Nominations for President
       Nominations for Vice-President
       Nominations for Secretary
       Nominations for Treasurer
       Nominations for Sergeant-at-Arms
 New Business
 Announcements - one per person please
 Close of meeting - Chaos


New Books
 From locusmag.com

November 2010
   Adams, John Joseph, ed. * The Way of the Wizard * (Prime Books, anth, tpb)
   Akers, Tim * The Horns of Ruin * (Pyr, tpb)
   Armstrong, Kelley * Counterfeit Magic * (Subterranean Press, nva, hc)
   + Bakker, Scott * Disciple of the Dog * (Tor/Forge, hc)
   Ballantine, Philippa * Geist * (Ace)
   + Banks, Iain M. * Surface Detail * (Orbit USA, hc)
   Barnes, Steven * Assassins * (ISFiC Press, cln, hc)
   Bear, Greg * Hull Zero Three * (Orbit US, hc)
   Briggs, Patricia * Wolfsbane * (Ace)
   Bujold, Lois McMaster * CryoBurn * (Baen, hc)
   Butcher, Jim * Side Jobs * (Roc, cln, hc)
   Card, Orson Scott * Pathfinder * (Simon Pulse, nvl-ya, hc)
   Cook, Glen * Gilded Latten Bones * (Roc)
   Cook, Glen * Surrender to the Will of the Night * (Tor, hc)
   + Cornish, D. M. * Factotum * (Putnam, nvl-ya, hc)
   de Lint, Charles * The Painted Boy * (Viking, nvl-ya, hc)
   Fenner, Cathy, & Arnie Fenner, eds. * Spectrum 17: The Best in
Contemporary Fantastic Art * (Underwood Books, anth, hc)
   Gurney, James * Color and Light * (Andrews McMeel, art, tpb)
   Jemisin, N. K. * The Broken Kingdoms * (Orbit US, tpb)
   Jones, Stephen, ed. * Visitants: Stories of Fallen Angels and Heavenly
Hosts * (Ulysses Press, anth, tpb)
   Jordan, Robert, & Brandon Sanderson * Towers of Midnight * (Tor, hc)
   Kearney, Paul * Corvus * (Solaris US)
   Kidd, Tom * OtherWorlds: How to Imagine, Paint and Create Epic Scenes
of Fantasy * (F+W Publications/ Impact, tpb)
   King, Stephen * Full Dark, No Stars * (Simon & Schuster/Scribner, cln, hc)
   Lansdale, Joe R. * Flaming Zeppelins: The Adventures of Ned the Seal *
(Tachyon Publications, cln, tpb)
   Lee, Sharon * Carousel Tides * (Baen, tpb)
   Leiber, Fritz * Strange Wonders: A Collection of Rare Fritz Leiber
Works * (Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
   Martin, George R. R., & Gardner Dozois, eds. * Songs of Love and Death
* (Simon & Schuster/Gallery, anth, hc)
   McDevitt, Jack * Echo * (Ace, hc)
   McKinley, Robin * Pegasus * (Putnam, nvl-ya, hc)
   Painter, Deborah * Forry: The Life of Forrest J Ackerman * (McFarland,
nf, hc)
   Rambo, Cat, Paul Tremblay & Sean Wallace, eds. * Worlds of Fantasy: The
Best of Fantasy Magazine * (Prime Books, anth, tpb)
   Rickert, M. * Holiday * (Golden Gryphon Press, cln, hc)
   Rushdie, Salman * Luka and the Fire of Life * (Random House, nvl-ya, hc)
   Sargent, Pamela * Seed Seeker * (Tor, hc)
   Snyder, Lucy A. * Shotgun Sorceress * (Ballantine Del Rey)
   + Stroud, Jonathan * Bartimaeus: The Ring of Solomon *
(Disney-Hyperion, nvl-ya, hc)
   Swenson, Patrick, ed. * The Best of Talebones * (Fairwood Press, anth,
   Valente, Catherynne M. * The Habitation of the Blessed * (Night Shade
Books, tpb)
   VanderMeer, Ann, & Jeff VanderMeer, eds. * Steampunk Reloaded *
(Tachyon Publications, anth, tpb)
   Warrington, Freda * Midsummer Night * (Tor, hc)
   Williams, Tad * Shadowheart * (DAW, hc)

December 2010
   Anderson, Poul * Sir Dominic Flandry: The Last Knight of Terra * (Baen,
cln, tpb)
   Armstrong, Jon * Yarn * (Night Shade Books, tpb)
   Asprin, Robert * Dragons Deal * (Ace, tpb)
   Brown, Eric * Guardians of the Phoenix * (Solaris US)
   Collins, Nancy A. * Right Hand Magic * (Roc, nvl-ya)
   Foster, Alan Dean * The Human Blend * (Ballantine Del Rey, hc)
   + Jones, Stephen, ed. * The Mammoth Book of Zombie Apocalypse *
(Running Press, anth, tpb)
   Koontz, Dean * What the Night Knows * (Bantam, hc)
   Lackey, Mercedes, ed. * Finding the Way and Other Tales of Valdemar *
(DAW, anth)
   Lansdale, Joe R. * Deadman's Road * (Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
   + Marillier, Juliet * Seer of Sevenwaters * (Roc, hc)
   McCaffrey, Anne, & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough * Catacombs * (Ballantine
Del Rey, hc)
   McKillip, Patricia A. * The Bards of Bone Plain * (Ace, hc)
   Niven, Larry * The Best of Larry Niven * (Subterranean Press, cln, hc)
   Parker, K. J. * Blue and Gold * (Subterranean Press, nva, hc)
   Resnick, Mike * The Buntline Special * (Pyr, tpb)
   Rice, Anne * Of Love and Evil * (Knopf, hc)
   Sanderson, Brandon * Alcatraz Versus the Shattered Lens * (Scholastic
Press, hc)
   Swirsky, Rachel, & Sean Wallace, eds. * People of the Book * (Prime
Books, anth, tpb)


Meeting Info
   The next meeting of the Circle of Janus will be held on Saturday,
November 13, 2010, at the Jesus Metropolitan Community Church at 2950
East 55th Place, Indianapolis, IN 46220. Doors open a little before
7:00 pm. A ConCom meeting will precede it at 5. Anyone interested in
working on the convention is welcome to attend.

 Board Chairman - Andy Andrews
 President - Kathie Thompson
 Vice-President - Lynette Cowper
 Secretary - Stephen Kendall
 Treasurer - Emily Rodgers
 Sergeant at Arms - Jeff Thompson
 InConJunction 31 ConChair - Mike Cowper
 InConJunction 32 ConChair - Kathie Thompson

The Circular of Janus is a publication of the Circle of Janus Science
Fiction Club of Central Indiana. Subscription is included with membership,
$15.00/year. For information write to Circle of Janus, P.O. Box 68514,
Indianapolis, IN 46268-0514.
 Lynette R. F. Cowper, Editor

Lynette R. F. Cowper
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us
with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.” -
Galileo Galilei

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