[CircularOfJanus] November Circular special preview - proposed Bylaws changes & current nominations

Lynette R. F. Cowper lcowper at io.com
Tue Nov 9 09:17:20 EST 2010

Since I've been asked, a reminder that the upcoming meeting will be at the
Jesus Metropolitan Community Church at the usual time (albeit a week
late), with a ConCom meeting, I believe, preceding it. You can use google
maps or http://www.jesusmcc.org/about/where.html to see how to get there
if you haven't been.

Jeff, the webpage still lists the 7th & 8th CC and then includes a
conspiratorial 'the location has been changed. See your email' note. Given
that it is no longer at a personal residence that we would not wish to be
listed on the webpage, can we get this fixed? Thanks for all your hard

Lynette R. F. Cowper
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us
with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.” -
Galileo Galilei

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