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InConJunction Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention

Indianapolis, IN

Indianapolis Marriott East

July 5 - 7, 2019

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Complete Guest List for InConJunction XXXIX

Kilgore Trout
Author Guest of Honor
The greatest science fiction author who never lived

"Appearing" in cooperation with the Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library, with the help of curator Chris Lafavre, InConJunction celebrates the celebrated Hoosier author's eccentric alter ego. He appears in Vonnegut's "God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater," "Breakfast of Champions," "Jailbird," "Timequake," and "Slaughterhouse-Five" -- which celebrates its 50th anniversary. From Trout's Wikipedia entry: "Trout is consistently presented as a prolific but unappreciated science-fiction writer; other details... vary widely from novel to novel. ...Trout performs a variety of roles in Vonnegut's works: he acts as a catalyst for the main characters in [some], while in others, ...[he] is an active character who is vital to the story. Breakfast of Champions, he has, by the end, become something of a father figure, while in other novels, he seems to be something like Vonnegut in the early part of his career."

For additional information, please refer to Kilgore Trout's Web Page.

Terry Pavlet
Artist Guest of Honor
Comics artist for various titles, including DC, Image and Disney, and illustrator for RPGs, CCGs, trading cards, books, T-shirts and toys.

An artist/creator since 1984, Pavlet has done comic work for DC, Image, Disney and many others; RPG/CCG work for Pazio, TSR, Frog God Games, Wizards of the Coast, Fantasy Flight Games and White Wolf; and art for cards, bookss, T-shirts and toys.

Mikey Mason
Music Guest of Honor
Geek. Fanboy. Comedy Rock Star. Not your average funny guy...

Mikey Mason (a nationally touring standup comedian by trade) made a splash on YouTube with the video for his song, "She Don't Like Firefly," which spurred the recording of his crowd-funded geek rock/comedy album, Impotent Nerd Rage. He recently completed his second geek album, Barbarian Jetpack, and is now working on an EP of non-comedic songs inspired by Neil Gaiman's novel American Gods.

For additional information, please refer to Mikey Mason's Web Page.

Jolly Blackburn
Comic Writer Guest of Honor
Creator of "Knights of the Dinner Table"

An Army veteran and alum of Ball State University who remembers attending one of the first InConJunctions, Jolly Blackburn was creator and writer of the independent gaming magazine Shadis in the 1990s. A little comic strip about fantasy role-players that he started as filler in the magazine, "Knights of the Dinner Table," took on a life of its own and is now published by Kenzer and Company, where he is now company vice-president.

Michael Parks
CosPlay Guest of Honor
with Shannon Parks as Outcast Cosplay

An avid local cosplayer and puppeteer, he makes his hobby a family affair with wife Shannon as Outcast Cosplay.

Doug Powers
Thespian Extraordinaire

In addition to being a semi-professional stage actor and director, Doug is a lifelong science fiction and fantasy geek who taught himself to read on Silver Age Marvel Comics before moving up to Asimov, Rod Serling, and Tolkein. He probably won't beat you in a trivia throw-down, but his love ranges widely across the science fiction and fantasy universe. Most recently, he appeared on stage in Letters Sent for Fat Turtle Theatre Company and Human Terrain for Summit Performance. Coming up yet this year, he'll be running and playing tabletop RPGs at Gen Con and directing Hamlet at Bard Fest, Indianapolis' Shakespeare festival.


Also Appearing

John F. Allen

John F. Allen is an American writer born in Indianapolis, IN. He is a member of the Speculative Fiction Guild and the Indiana Writers Center. John began writing stories as early as the second grade and pursued all forms of writing at some point, throughout his career. He studied Liberal Arts at IUPUI with a focus in Creative Writing, received an honorable discharge from the United States Air Force and is a current member of the American Legion. John%u2019s debut novel, The God Killers was published in 2013 by Seventh Star Press. John currently resides in Indianapolis, Indiana.

For additional information, please refer to John F. Allen's Web Page.

Marian Allen
Author Lady

Marian Allen has been making up stories for as long as she can remember. She now gets paid (somewhat. occasionally.) for doing what she would be doing anyway. Allen is 1/3 of Per Bastet Publications, and author of the SAGE trilogy and its companion short story collection, SHIFTY.

For additional information, please refer to Marian Allen's Web Page.

Dan R. Arman
Ohio-based science fiction/fantasy author

A long time ago, in a galaxy not so far away, Dan R. Arman decided he wanted to tell stories. Stories about other worlds populated by interesting characters, because he thought these people and worlds would help him reflect on the world he was living in, its beauty, horrors and absurdity. While he was starting to pursue this dream of being a science fiction and fantasy author, he began teaching English Composition at Stark State College in Ohio. For several years, he worked as a newspaper reporter, an editor and now teaches literature and writing at an online high school. He holds a master%u2019s degree in English literature and rhetoric from Kent State University. He currently lives in Akron, OH with his wife and two cats. Riding a Black Horse is his third novel.

For additional information, please refer to Dan R. Arman's Web Page.

Mary Arman
Author of the Fantastic Tales Series, creator of YA Color Me Novel.

Rose Withering is a multi genre author with Hydra Productions. She is the creator of the Young Adult Color Me Novel. A combination of a Coloring book, epic fantasy book and an illuminated manuscript. Rose is the author of the Fantastic Tales of Fae a YA fantasy series and The Unraveled Strand an Urban Fantasy series. When she started writing, she wrote about surviving hardships like child abuse and domestic violence as a way to deal with her own ghosts from her past. Fantasy has always been something she loved. She collects unicorns and loves everything From Fairy tales and Disney to books, movies, World of Warcraft, Dungeons and Dragons to Magic the Gathering. So to be a fantasy author is a dream come true for her.

For additional information, please refer to Mary Arman's Web Page.

Jason Aukerman

Jason Aukerman is on the staff of the Center for Bradbury Studies at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. The Center for Ray Bradbury Studies is one of the larger single-author archives in the United States, and a hub for scholarship on the work of Ray Bradbury and science fiction. The Center is home to more than 100,000 pages of published and unpublished literary works stored in thirty-one of the author%u2019s filing cabinets; forty years of Bradbury's personal and professional correspondence (an additional 10,000 pages); and author%u2019s copies of Bradbury books, including extensive foreign language editions, and his working library (a combined 4000 volumes).

For additional information, please refer to Jason Aukerman's Web Page.

James Barnes
I help people & give my two-cents worth

James O. Barnes has been in the indie-publishing space for the last ten-years. He is an author, narrator, Dad and serial entrepreneur. He is also the author of "3 Simple Rules: A Guide for Business and Life", "Thief King", and "If I Had Time". Find out more about James at

For additional information, please refer to James Barnes's Web Page.

Matthew Barron
Local author of short stories, plays, books and graphic novels

Matthew Barron spends his days mixing and analyzing human blood as a medical technologist in Indianapolis Indiana. Matthew's diverse fiction has appeared in Outposts of Beyond, Sci Phi Journal, Ill-Considered Expeditions, Gifts of the Magi, Roboterotica, House of Horror, and Welcome to Indiana. He's released three graphic novels, and wrote and produced a short play for the 2015 Indianapolis Fringe festival. His sword sorcery book, Valora; dystopian novella, Secular City Limits; and kids book, The Lonely Princess, are also available. For more information, visit

For additional information, please refer to Matthew Barron's Web Page.

John Belden

Writer, journalist, guy in white beard - and Convention Chair for 2019. An unapologetic theatre addict, he co-hosts with Wendy Carson, covering central Indiana stages. He also has connections with the North Pole, so be good!

Matt Boersma

Motley Kids provides geeky kids programming a variety of conventions. Content includes games, crafts, and kid-parties.

For additional information, please refer to Matt Boersma's Web Page.

Nykki Boersma
Quality programming for gamer kids

Motley Kids provides crafting and gaming activities for geeky kids, aimed at ages 4-8. We don't provide babysitting services, so your kid will need to have a parent present for any activities

For additional information, please refer to Nykki Boersma's Web Page.

Stephen Bridge
Reader, writer, librarian.

Steve Bridge is a semi-retired librarian in real life and writes about 60 book reviews a year for his Facebook friends and library users. He has also led a science fiction life as the former President and current Advisor of the Alcor Foundation, the largest cryonics company in the U.S.

Wendy Carson

A woman needs no biography.

Travis Clemmons
Travis Clemmons is an Author, Storyteller, Toast Master, Video Producer & Photographer.

Travis Clemmons is someone who enjoys creating an intricately woven Tall Tale (the more absurd the better). In 2000, he wrote and performed Marc Twain the Time Traveler. This fictional debate between Twain and H.G. Wells was greeted enthusiastically by audiences and people began asking for more. So Marc Twain and the Magnificent Tree was scripted and performed two years later. These efforts were followed by other comedy sketches, a slew of short stories, A novel titled Tick Of The Clock (co-written with Michael Z. Williamson)and invitations to appear as a Guest Speaker or Master of Ceremonies the following types of gatherings. Science Fiction - Fantasy - Humor - Erotica His Short Story "The Senator's Perfect Wife" appears in the Award Winning Erotic Anthology "Surprise".

For additional information, please refer to Travis Clemmons's Web Page.

Robert Craig
I write history and science for young readers, my most important target audience.

I have written in multiple genres, especially paranormal and science fiction including historical science fiction for young readers 9 years and older. I currently head the Avon Writers Group in Avon, Indiana, am a member of the Speculative Fiction Group and the Indianapolis Area Authors Network.

Michael D'Ambrosio
The SCi-fi Worlds of Michael D'Ambrosio

Michael resides in the Philadelphia area and has been writing for fifteen years now. With technical experience as a nuclear controls technician, applications engineer, weapons crew chief, and writer of novels and screenplays, Michael has plenty to fuel his creativity. His most recent novel is Queen of Pain, book 2 in the Pain series. Currently he is working on a new series of novellas titled Space Truckers: The Adventures of the Blue Eagle. For more information about Michael's projects and appearances, visit his site at

For additional information, please refer to Michael D'Ambrosio's Web Page.

Sara Deurell
Sara Marian is an author, archaeologist, and partner in Per Bastet Publications.

Sara Marian was raised in the woods by wild English teachers, and has been writing for as long as she can remember. She works as a technician for a Louisville archaeology firm, as well as writing articles for the Clio history website. In addition, she is a partner in Per Bastet Publications, a small press in the Louisville Metro area. Her fiction ranges from literary to fantasy, with plenty of genre-bending in between.

For additional information, please refer to Sara Deurell's Web Page.

Bryan Donihue
Author of The Knight's Bane Trilogy. Gamer. Game Designer. Nerd. Father of six or seven, depending on the day.

Early in his life, Bryan decided that he would try as many different jobs as possible. Well, it was his high curiosity and low attention span that decided for him. He started in fast food and has worked in sales (retail, used car, business-to-business, door-to-door, credit card processing, vacuum cleaner, and firearms). Bryan has also been a security guard, police officer, and armored car vault manager. And he was a youth pastor. Eventually, he decided he'd take the "easy path" and become a writer. He was an idiot. Writing is not easy, but it turned out, he was pretty good at it. People seemed to like his stories, so he kept telling them. Bryan is a published author (fiction and non-fiction), game designer, graphic artist, web designer, consultant, trainer, ministry leader, and multiple-business owner. He is also happily married to his wife of over 20 years, Christina, and father to six or seven kids, depending on the day. He even sleeps occasionally. Bryan is currently writing from a hidden bunker in Grand Rapids, Michigan. At least that's what he claims. We know he sits in a home office with a brass plaque that reads "Dungeon" affixed over the door.

For additional information, please refer to Bryan Donihue's Web Page.

Mark Dooley
"Must dash! Things to do... and people to do them to!"

Mark C. Dooley is "De Boss Immeritus" of the Whoosier Network and guardian of the Bifrost to the Doctor Who video room. His love of comics, science-fiction, and fantasy is surpassed only by his love for his wife Deena and his family. He is also the creator of the online comic strip "The Actual, Semi-True Adventures of Mark and Dee", currently running his autobiography "Genesis of a Fanboy", which can be found on his Facebook page.

For additional information, please refer to Mark Dooley's Web Page.

Barbara Doran
New Pulp SF/Fantasy Writer

Barbara Doran is a New Pulp writer of SF and Fantasy with Airship 27. Her works include the Golden Dragon Series ( Claws of the Golden Dragon, Wings of the Golden Dragon and Tales of the Golden Dragon), Wu Dang: Fist of the Wanderer, and several short stories (Sinbad and the Island of the Puppet Master, Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Counterfeit Secretary and City in the Clouds). Barbara came by her love of reading early. Thanks to her father, she was quickly introduced to S.J. Perelman and P.G. Wodehouse, as well as Heinlein and Asimov. (She take full blame for her adoration of Fantasy, however.) Reading inevitably lead to writing. Beginning with fanfiction, she soon graduated to original works, some of which can still be found online if searched for by a dedicated investigator. Being of Chinese descent and something of a Wuxia and Xianxia fan, much of her work is influenced by Shaw Brothers%u2019 movies and the like. Pulp titles like %u201CThe Shadow%u201D and %u201CDoc Savage%u201D were among her early influences. She also adores %u201CThe Green Hornet%u201D TV series, in part because of Bruce Lee and in part because it was ahead of its time when it came to how it treated minorities. Barbara has two sons, rapidly outgrowing the household, a husband and a dog. There%u2019s also a cat who thinks Barbara belongs to her. Her age is old enough and continues to increase daily. When Barbara isn%u2019t chasing her own personal Tiger and Dragon, husband or dog about on their appointed rounds, she%u2019s generally home writing. She can be reached for comment at

For additional information, please refer to Barbara Doran's Web Page.

TammyJo Eckhart, PhD
Mistress of Edgy Fiction

TammyJo Eckhart is a regular at Inconjunction bringing her fan love of TV, Movies, and Books as well as her experience as an author, educator, and former activist. She is the author of over a dozen fiction and non-fiction books, short stories, and essays some of which you can buy directly from her. Currently she lives in Bloomington where she is an activist and volunteer educator between writing projects, chocolate testing, historical research, and crafting.

For additional information, please refer to TammyJo Eckhart, PhD's Web Page.

Richard and Angie Fox
Engineer, Army veteran, rockhound and fossil collector, history reenactor and SF fan.

Richard Fox is an engineering graduate from Purdue with an engineering Masters from Oakland University of Michigan. He is a past president of the Michigan Mineralogical Society and has presented a similar talk at the Cranbrook Institute of Michigan. He is a retired Army officer and with extensive armored vehicle development experience at General Dynamics Land Systems with the M1 Abrams main battle tank and other armored vehicle systems. His other experience with armor comes from 44 years of heavy combat in the Society for Creative Anachronism along with a strong interest in history and historical reenactment. He is also possibly the sole remaining attending fan at every InConJunction convention since the first.

Rachel Frend
Blogger, Cosplayer, Podcaster and overall fangirl

Rachel has been a geek for as long as she could remember, from watching Disney animated movies on VHS, to recreating the fight scenes from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in the back yard. More recently, she's turned her love of fandom into blogging, cosplaying and podcasting. She now is one of the hosts and the producer of the Five(ish) Fangirls Podcast, an all female driven show about all things geek and pop culture.

For additional information, please refer to Rachel Frend's Web Page.

E. Chris Garrison
Indie Indianapolis author of science fiction, fantasy, and steampunk.

E. Chris Garrison writes fantasy and science fiction novels and short stories. Her latest series is Trans-Continental, a steampunk adventure with a transgender woman as its protagonist. Her Tipsy Fairy Tales stars a bisexual gamer girl, and is set in a magical Indianapolis filled with grimm fairy folk. Chris's supernatural fantasy stories, the Road Ghosts Trilogy, are published by Seventh Star Press. These novels are humorous supernatural fantasies, dealing with ghosts, demonic possession, and fantastic creatures. Chris lives in Indianapolis, Indiana, with her wife, step-daughter and many cats. She also enjoys gaming, home brewing beer, and finding innovative uses for duct tape.

For additional information, please refer to E. Chris Garrison's Web Page.

Joe Greene
Boot em up and Take em down!

InconJunction 37 ConChair, 'Tactical Tank Admiral' of MystBrigade Starship Bridge Simulations, Networking and Linux Administrator, Gryphon fan.

For additional information, please refer to Joe Greene's Web Page.

Kimber Grey
Kimber Grey is a fantasy, science-fiction, and horror writer who has authored nine fantasy novels, two anthologies, and her work appears in a host of anthologies. Her work can be found at Grey and

Kimber was born in the arid and alien land known as southern California. She began consuming fiction from an early age, and has ever been eager to emulate the works that dramatically shaped her heart and mind as a child. She began creating short fiction and poetry in grade school, and wrote her first (laughably bad) novel in junior high. Luckily, devouring the written word at an alarming rate tends to improve one's ability to produce it. With a grandmother who was a writer and an editor, English teachers who supported her budding potential, and a husband with a clever wit and an even greater appreciation of the written word, Kimber has never lacked support in the pursuit of her bliss. She published her first fantasy novel Quietus in 2009, and her second Seeking Destiny in 2012. The first three books of Faiden Reborn, Kingdoms Lost, Fallen Heroes, and History Forgotten were published in 2017. Her work has appeared in anthologies such as: "Ponderous Paradox", Missing Pieces IV; "Pushing the Envelope" and "A Dash of Salt & A Can of Whoop-Ass", Missing Pieces V; "Deathbringer's Apprentice", Missing Pieces VI; and "Solace Moon", The Hapless Cenloryan-The Troubadour's Inn Book I (2017 Ed.).

For additional information, please refer to Kimber Grey's Web Page.

Laura Griffis


T. Lee Harris
Author of the Eloquent Scribe and the Case of the Moche Rolex

T. Lee Harris is a scribbler of the lowest order. Not only does she pen lies about people who don't exist, she draws pictures of them, too. Harris, in the guise of a publisher with Per Bastet Publications, has aided and abetted others by putting their scribblings into book form; going so far as to devise covers for many of those tomes. She claims she went to school to learn these things, but that shouldn't be held against anyone. Harris is, in turn, aided and abetted by Per Bastet Publications, who have allowed her to run roughshod over history in her stories about an ancient Egyptian scribe and a magic temple cat, and spread her prevarications about a former football player and a 200 year-old vampire turned international law enforcement agents. Hydra Publications cannot escape blame; they have promulgated her lies about a retired spy who gets mixed up in other people's business. The Southern Indiana Writers' Group are possibly the worst offenders of all, having repeatedly permitted her to commit acts of literary vandalism with the Indian Creek Anthology Series. There are suspicions that Harris is committing another novel or two, but this has yet to be confirmed.

For additional information, please refer to T. Lee Harris's Web Page.

Lou Harry

Lou Harry serves as editor of Quill, the magazine of the Society of Professional Journalist. The host of the Lou Harry Gets Real podcast, he's the author of a big stack of books for publishers including Random House, Penquin, and Cider Mill Press.

For additional information, please refer to Lou Harry's Web Page.

Kandi  Hopkins

I'm a compulsive reader, Whovian, a fan of everything Star (Trek, Wars, Man, Fighter, Gate), recently enthusiastic about Legion, Umbrella Factory, Homecoming, Maniac and every show that made you think "what was THAT?" when you saw the trailer.

William Levy
The world's most dangerous cartoonist.

Emerging from America's heartland like a troll from beneath a bridge, William Levy has been a freelance illustrator and cartoonist for over forty years, working for nearly everyone at some point. In the last decade, he's turned his attention to writing as well, with nine prose books for various publishers, including STAR-CROSSED and HERO HOUSE. He's currently working on several new books and his comic strip, NIGHTMART.

Beckie Margedant
What's that, Lassie?!

Beckie has been with InCon for over a decade, has done registration, Fun Police and was ConChair in 2018. She likes Star Trek. Her house is an unfortunate shade of beige.

Andrea Mariano

Andrea is a Luthier and avid reader from central Indiana. When she's not reading, obsessing about violins, constructing costumes, or tending her gardens with an entourage of cats, she's hanging out with her four Shih-tzu mixes, lovingly named "The Wrecking Crew", and a yellow lab good girl named Poppy. She's been a science fiction fan forever; her father introduced her to Trek, Dr. Who, and Godzilla when she was just a baby.

Ms. Megan Matthews
Managing Director/principal player for The Confused Greenies a.k.a. Players' Patchwork Theatre Company

Megan has been an an actor since childhood and an active player with The Confused Greenies (a.k.a. Players' Patchwork Theatre Company) since 2008. She has participated as an actor in over 200 Players' Patchwork productions to date, and currently also serves as Managing Director (chief duties: cat-herding; keeping the Artistic Director's head on straight). When she's not busy doing interesting things onstage to make people laugh, Megan works as a chemical dependency and mental health counselor in Cleveland, Ohio.

Troy Maynard
Troy Maynard is a giant Viking, foodie, geeky gamer, father of three and master of none. Catch up on all the fun at

Troy Maynard is a giant Viking, foodie, geeky gamer, father of three and master of none. Between frequent photographs of meals and occasional pillaging (alleged), he writes his thoughts on life from his Mead Hall in the rolling hills of southern Indiana. Ransacking passing ships doesn't pay the bills, so he also works in the software industry, where he gets to use his tantrum management skills on a daily basis. You can read more of his stories and thoughts on parenting on his blog,, and in his column My Dad Voice in Limestone Post Magazine,

For additional information, please refer to Troy Maynard's Web Page.

Lisa Meece
Healing the world, one hug at a time.

Lisa Meece has a mission to save the world, one hug at a time. When she%u2019s not focusing on her business at Holding Space, she spends a lot of time around fan-run conventions. You can find her on the dance floor at the Barfleet party. During the day, her laugh has been known to work as an effective echolocation mechanism.

For additional information, please refer to Lisa Meece's Web Page.

Michelle Mussoni

Mogchelle, a past Cosplay Guest of Honor and emcee for the 2019 Masquerade cosplay contest

Jon Osborne
Dragon Award Finalist fantasy and science fiction author

Jon R. Osborne has been forging stories through gaming since he was thirteen. He studied journalism in high school and majored in journalism at Franklin College. Many years later, he finally combined writing and story-telling with his first published work, a short story in the military science fiction Four Horsemen Universe. The second book in the The Milesian Accords modern fantasy trilogy, A Tempered Warrior, was a 2018 Dragon Awards finalist for Best Fantasy Novel. Jon lives in Indianapolis, where he continues to play role-playing games, and writes less often than he should. You can find out more at

For additional information, please refer to Jon Osborne's Web Page.

Rob Pyatt, Ph.D.
Stand-up Scientist Dr. Rob Pyatt

Robert Pyatt describes himself as a stand-up scientist. He holds a B.S. in Biology with a minor in Theater from Indiana University, an M.S. in Biology from Purdue University, and a Ph.D. in Pathology from Ohio State University. Rob is passionate about science education, in both formal and informal learning environments. He previously served as a %u201CResident Scientist%u201D for the monthly live talk show %u201CThe Not So Late Show with Johnny Diloretto%u201D and as a %u201CGFC Science Guy%u201D at the Gateway Film Center, both in Columbus, Ohio. Since moving to Sioux Falls in April of 2017, Rob has established a STEM festival for elementary students and their families in the Harrisburg school system, contributed to founding the Sioux Falls Science Pub, and presented informal education events for Sanford Imagenetics including %u201CGenetics in the Movies%u201D.

Jess Rudolph
Director of The Confused Greenies

Jess Rudolph is the founder and artistic director for The Confused Greenies of Players' Patchwork Theatre Company, a farcical performance troupe specializing in a fusion of devised & improv comedy.

For additional information, please refer to Jess Rudolph's Web Page.

Paula Scott-Frantz
Art Educator,Storyteller,Fiber Artist,Steampunk Cosplayer, Tarot Card Artist and Fantasist.

Storytelling and Art go hand-in-hand for Paula, with most of her classes including a look into her incredibly diverse and colorful childhood years. Paula designs and teaches adult and children's art classes for the Indianapolis Museum of Art (Newfields) and St. Vincent's Cancer Center. Star Trek characters, especially Uhura, are major role models in Paula's life. Their stories of courage have helped Paula move forward and persevere through life's challenges.

For additional information, please refer to Paula Scott-Frantz's Web Page.

R.J. Sullivan
Darkness with a Chance of Whimsy.

R.J. Sullivan's novel Haunting Blue is an edgy paranormal thriller. Seventh Star Press also released Haunting Obsession, a Rebecca Burton Novella, and Virtual Blue, the second part of Fiona's tale. Commanding the Red Lotus is a novel-length collection of three space opera tales in the tradition of Andre Norton and Gene Roddenberry. R.J.'s short stories have been featured in acclaimed collections. These stories were compiled in R.J.'s 2015 collection Darkness with a Chance of Whimsy. In 2018 he launched his independent label DarkWhimsy Books, through which he will release a new fantasy series. R.J. resides with his family in Heartland Crossing, Indiana. He drinks regularly from a Little Mermaid coffee mug and is man enough to admit it.

For additional information, please refer to R.J. Sullivan's Web Page.

JW Troemner
JW Troemner is the author of the "Urban Dragon" series, "Tatter and Shine", and several short stories.

JW Troemner was born in Germany and emigrated to the United States. Since then, she's spent most of her life orbiting around Indianapolis, where she can be often found gazing longingly at caverns and abandoned buildings. Love of the city and the not-so-lovable elements within it formed the inspiration of the Urban Dragon series, an urban fantasy series set in Indianapolis.

For additional information, please refer to JW Troemner's Web Page.

The Shake Ups
Cartoon-Fueled Power-Pop!

The Shake Ups are an award-winning, Indianapolis-based music collective that plays power-pop songs about cartoons and pop culture. For the past half-decade, the band has been wowing audiences across the U.S. at pop culture conventions such as Comic Con, Wizard World, Babscon, Indy Pop Con, BronyCon, Ciderfest and Gen Con, among others. The Shake Ups perform songs from and about their favorite cartoons, including the likes of Scooby Doo, the Powerpuff Girls, Teen Titans, My Little Pony, Star Vs. the Forces of Evil, and Steven Universe. The band's new project, 'Legendary Defenders,' is a musical tribute to the giant robot sci-fi fantasy classic, Voltron! The Shake Ups have been awarded the title of 'Best Local Pop' in Nuvo Newsweekly annual reader's poll for two years running and continue to build on their reputation as a primary force in the independent art community.

For additional information, please refer to The Shake Ups's Web Page.

NOTE: This page contains archived web-site content.
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