[CircularOfJanus] October 2013 Circular of Janus

Lynette R. F. Cowper lcowper at prismnet.com
Fri Oct 4 20:51:31 EDT 2013

Circle of Janus Science Fiction Club of Indiana
 The Circular of Janus
 October 2013
 Volume 34, Issue 10

   Summary of the August Meeting - Lynette R. F. Cowper
   Summary of the September Board Meeting - Lynette R. F. Cowper
   Mark Your Calendars
   Tidbits from Our Members
   October Meeting Agenda
   New Books - from Locus
   Meeting Info & Club Officers


Summary of the August Meeting
 by Lynette Cowper

The CoJ met on August 3 at LifeJourney Church. We were missing Chairman of
the Board Andy Andrews, Treasurer Kent Raquet, and InConJunction 35 Chair
Jeff Thompson. All other officers were present. We had several guests and
new members-- Bob and Barb McGillem; Josh Logan, who found us via the
website; new member Ron Hawkins; Hail Alzaharani, a Saudi Arabian
home-stay student of the Rollisons; Nathan and Laura Terhune, longtime
friends of several CoJers; and Jeremy Murray, also a longtime friend of
several CoJers.

The June meeting minutes were accepted as published, Kent wasn't present
for the Treasurer's Report, but Kat said we did know we had made money
from the con.

Mel reported on InConJunction 33, which went well and has garnered praise
from attendees and GoHs alike. Drew reported that the ConCom for
InConJunction 34 is coming together. Anyone interested in a position
should see him. He is looking into a Science GoH. He also said that the
charity would be the Autism Research Institute. Neither Jeff for
InConJunction 35 nor Andy for the CoJ Board were present to report.

Member Services still needs current addresses and the Audit Committee
still hadn't met yet. Archivist Bob has started scanning in things. Our
Quartermasters will be buying some new totes and calling a gathering to go
through the storage unit, repack things, and get rid of stuff we're not
using. Laura reported that Indy Pride went well and that she is needing
volunteers to man (person?) the booth in two-hour shifts for Pagan Pride
on September 28. See or email her to volunteer.

In Old Business, we haven't heard back from the church near the U. of
Indy, so Kat decided to go with Valley Mills Christian Church as our new
meeting location, starting with the Anniversary Party in December. We
decided to do the After-the-Con Bash at VMCC as well, starting at 4:00 on
September 7. For after-meeting talks, we will have Mike Cowper talking
about cyber-terrorism and defense in October and the annual
Procrastinators' Halloween Party in November (which will be the second
Saturday in November so as not to conflict with DarkSide Con).

In New Business, we discussed the need for an anti-harassment policy for
the convention and possibly the club. We will be having a separate
meeting, much like we do with the Bylaws Caucus, to go over them. We also
discussed the new incident reports at the con. Then Kat moved to
emphasizing that club members and convention staff, while representing the
club or con, should keep negative beliefs to themselves. Several members
offered how welcoming the club has been to them and how important it is to
keep that atmosphere for future members.

We moved to announcements. John mentioned that Indy Fringe starts the same
weekend as Gen Con and goes through the next weekend. Chris announced a
Smirk and Dagger give-away at Gen Con, and Kat said INWAP games has a
booth at Gen Con and is looking for some volunteers. Randy talked about
his trip to DC and the Udvar-Hazy Center and using the Arlington National
Cemetery app to locate graves. Tracey announced Alec is a starter for his
football team and Bella is the cheer captain. Their home-stay student,
Hail, would be leaving in two weeks. Tina announced the DarkSide Con is
doing a zombie bake sale during Gen Con to raise money. Be sure to stop
and support them! Kevin was looking for a combat jacket for a Jayne Cobb
cosplay. Chris C is working on a new story. And Shawn and Tina are

And that was it for the August meeting.


Summary of the September Board Meeting
 by Lynette Cowper

The Board met at Valley Mills Christian Church on September 28. All
officers except President Kat Robertson and Sergeant-at-Arms Ricky Lile
were present. Ren Cowper and Wendy Carson were also present

The July Board minutes were approved as published, then Kent gave a
Treasurer's report. We made a sizable profit this year at InConJunction.

For InConJunction 34, Drew reported he was considering Rob Pyatt as
Science GoH. He's also looking at someone from Mayfair Games as a
potential Gaming GoH. As for ConCom, he still has some spots open. Most
areas still need assistants who are trained to take over in case of
emergency and also for future cons.

Jeff reported for InConJunction 35. He has contacted some potential GoHs
and has others wish-listed. He is looking at pursuing a Science/New Media
GoH who does a weekly science show on YouTube. Jeff is also considering
offering some sort of a scholarship program to bring in some new Featured

Mel offered a summary of InConJunction 33. Drew had the surveys up on the
wiki. There were issues with delayed Art Show artwork returns and checks.
There was discussion of going back to writing all the checks on Sunday and
shipping back artwork on the Monday after the con. There was a brief
discussion of Creators' Alley and what can be done there. We discussed
swag, con tee shirt sales, the Treasurer's Assistant and money pouch
system, and cash cards. Lynette was tasked with addressing any remaining
Art Show issues. There was a brief discussion of offering the option to
artists to be paid via PayPal.

In Old Business, Lynette reported we have about 50 people at the
After-the-Con Bash, great weather, and no complaints from the church. We
still need to schedule a dedicated meeting for the anti-harassment policy
discussion. Since Darkside Con has been postponed till 2014, we are moving
the November meeting back to the first Saturday.

In New Business, John suggested we liaise with the new convention, PopCon.
He was planning to attend their upcoming meeting, so Andy asked him to
talk to them. Lynette pointed out that the October meeting opens
nominations for officers. With Kent not planning to run, we need to
encourage folks to run for all the offices, but especially Treasurer. If
folks know someone they think would be good for the job, they need to
personally approach them about running.

And that was it for the September Board meeting.


October Meeting Agenda

The Circle of Janus
 October Meeting
 October 5, 2013

Opening of Meeting (7:00pm)
   Introduction of guests and member attendance
   August meeting minutes
   Treasurer's Report
   Convention Report, InConJunction 33
   Convention Report, InConJunction 34
   Convention Report, InConJunction 35
   Board Report
   Committee Reports, if needed
      Member Services
      Audit Committee
      Outreach Coordinator
      Pagan Pride
   Other Communications
Old Business
   Meeting Location
   Member Activities
      October non-meeting
      November meeting
      November non-meeting
      Anniversary Party
   Anti-Harassment Policy
   Anything else?
New Business
   Opening Nominations
      InConJunction 36 ConChair
   Anything else?
Announcements - one per person please
Close of meeting – Chaos


Mark Your Calendars

October 2013
   2: Indy Knights General Meeting - Rathskellar

   3: Gravity

   4: Whoosier Network Meeting - LifeJourney Church
   4-6: Archon - St. Louis, MO

   5: CoJ Meeting - LifeJourney Church
   5: NyanCon - Kirtland, OH

   10-13: New York Comic Con - New York, NY

   11-13: Akai Con - Nashville, TN
   11-13: Capclave - Gaithersburg, MD
   11-13: Con*stellation XXXII: Columba – Huntsville, AL
   11-13: ConClave - Romulus, MI
   11-13: Council of Five Nations XXXVI – Schenectady, NY
   11-13: Encounters - Wichita, KS
   11-13: Pandoracon 2013 - Cincinnati, OH
   11-13: Tsubasacon - Huntington, WV

   12: Pam Easterday's birthday
   12: McCloud Public Star Gaze - McCloud Nature Park

   13: IAC Meeting - Glendale Library

   14: Tony Patterson's birthday

   17-20: Con on the Cob – Hudson, Ohio

   18: Carrie
   18: The Fifth Estate
   18: Anjala Dick's birthday
   18-20: Anime Fusion - Bloomington, MN
   18-20: Arcana 2013 - Saint Paul, MN
   18-20: CharCon – Charleston, WV
   18-20: Wizard World Nashville Comic Con - Nashville, TN

   19: Paul Vincenti's birthday
   19: Kokomo-Con - Kokomo, IN
   19-20: Gameapalooza – Oshkosh, WI

   20: Dave Spicer's birthday
   20-22: Orionid Meteor Shower - Look, up in the Sky!

   23: Emily Rodgers's birthday

   25-26: Rising Star - Bluefield, WV
   25-27: Banzaicon - Columbia, SC
   25-27: HallowCon - Dalton, GA
   25-27: Ohio Valley Filk Fest - Worthington, OH
   25-27: Rock-Con - Rockford, IL
   25-27: SukoshiCon: Athens Anime Academy - Athens, GA

   26: Kai Cowper's birthday
   26: IAS Meeting - Holcomb Observatory
   26: South Bend Comic Book Con - South Bend, IN
   26-27: Unplugged Expo - Toronto, ON

   27: Charissa Bihl Spencer's birthday
   27: Ash Comic Book Show - Indianapolis, IN

   30: Joe Greene's birthday

   31-11/3: World Fantasy Convention - Brighton, England
   31-11/3: Youmacon - Detroit, MI

November 2013
   1: Ender's Game
   1: Free Birds
   1: Whoosier Network Meeting - LifeJourney Church
   1-3: Albacon - Albany, NY
   1-3: Convention Who - Richmond Hill, ON
   1-3: Gamehole Con – Madison, WI
   1-3: Geek Media Expo - Franklin, TN
   1-3: HammerCon – Hamilton, Ontario
   1-3: Izumicon – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
   1-3: Kamikon - Louisville, KY
   1-3: KuroKiiro Festival - Pittsburgh, PA
   1-3: N2U Anime & Gaming Convention – Ottawa, Ontario
   1-3: Nekocon - Hampton, VA
   1-3: SugoiCon - Sharonville, OH

   2: CoJ Meeting - LifeJourney Church

   5: Andrew Looney's birthday

   6: Indy Knights General Meeting - Rathskellar

   8: Thor: The Dark World
   8-10: Anime Blast Chattanooga - Chattanooga, TN
   8-10: Atomacon - North Charleston, SC
   8-10: MEPACON - Clark Summit, PA
   8-10: OmegaCon - Siren, WI
   8-10: PentaCon - Grand Wayne Center, Fort Wayne
   8-10: Philcon – Cherry Hill, New Jersey
   8-10: Windycon - Lombard, IL

   10: IAC Meeting - Glendale Library

   11: Steven Marsh's birthday

   15-16: Nerdacon - Columbus, GA
   15-17: Astronomicon - Rochester, NY
   15-17: Fall in! - Lancaster, PA
   15-17: Kollision Con - Rosemont, IL
   15-17: MACE - Charlotte, NC

   16: CoJ Board Meeting - VMCC
   16: Tomkat Convention - Hammond, IN
   16-18: Leonid Meteor Shower - Look, up in the sky!

   22: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
   22-24: Daisho Con - Wisconsin Dells, WI
   22-24: Ecto Con - St Louis, MO
   22-24: Midwest Furfest - Rosemont, IL
   22-24: U-Con - Ann Arbor, MI

   23-24: Eerie Frequency Film, Toy, Comic, & Pop Culture Expo - Niles, OH
   23-24: VA Comicon - Richmond, VA

   27: Frozen

   28: Mary Bischoff's birthday

   29-12/1: Starbase Indy - Indianapolis
   29-12/1: Chicago TARDIS - Lombard, IL
   29-12/1: Darkovercon - Timonium, MD
   29-12/1: SFContario - Toronto, ON

December 2013
   4: Crystal Wolf's birthday
   4: Indy Knights General Meeting - Rathskellar

   6: Whoosier Network Meeting - LifeJourney Church
   6-8: Steel City Con - Monroeville, PA
   6-8: Yama-Con - Pigeon Forge, TN

   7: CoJ Anniversary Party - VMCC

   8: IAC Meeting - Glendale Library

   12: Wendy Carson's birthday

   13: Laura Edwards's birthday
   13: The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
   13-15: Geminid Meteor Shower - Look, up in the sky!
   13-15: Anime Crossroads - Indianapolis Marriott East
   13-15: Con+Alt+Delete - Lisle, IL
   13-15: DomoCon - Lisle, IL
   13-15: F3 - Part Deux: Remixed - Branson, MO

   16: George Starkey's birthday

   20: Walking With Dinosaurs

   23: Gordon Huxford's birthday

   27-29: Anime Apocalypse - Rockford, IL

   29: Ash Comic Book Show - Indianapolis, IN


Tidbits from Our Members

Mike and Lynette Cowper: Come see Mike as Sneakypete Underhand, a devious
doctor, and Lynette as Heide Bedpann, a nefarious nurse in "Sneakypete
Underhand's Devious Dealings" Dinner Theater. A play set in a silent film
studio before the appearance of talkies. Damsels in distress, fisticuffs,
exotic harem scenes, sword fights, and devious schemes behind the scenes.
Friday, October 11, and Saturday, October 12, 6:00 pm, at Valley Mills
Christian Church, 5555 Kentucky Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana 46221.
      Adults: $10
      Senior adults: $7.50
      High school students: $7.50
      Junior high and elementary students: $5.00
      Preschoolers: Free
   Prices are $5 higher at the door, so order your tickets ahead of time
by calling Valley Mills Christian Church (317-856-3766) or see Mike or
Lynette at the meeting.

Bob Richey: As a reminder, if you have any COJ materials for the archive;
electronic or physical, please bring them to the next meeting.  If you
have something that you don't want to part with permanently, I can scan it
and return it to you at the following meeting.

Cheryl Miller-Andrews is looking for book donations to a small school
library. Most of the kids are not into SF. The school is grade 7-12, but
many of the kids are below grade level in reading. Anyone that has books
to donate can bring it to her at the meeting.


New Books
 From locusmag.com

October 2013
   Abraham, Daniel • Balfour and Meriweather in the Incident of the
Harrowmoor Dogs • (Subterranean Press, hc)
   Adams, Terry A. • Battleground • (DAW)
   Anderson, Colleen, & Steve Vernon, eds. • Tesseracts Seventeen:
Speculating Canada from Coast to Coast to Coast • (Hades/EDGE Science
Fiction and Fantasy, anth, tpb)
   Baker, Kage • In the Company of Thieves • (Tachyon Publications, cln, tpb)
   Bernobich, Beth • Allegiance • (Tor, hc)
   Bowes, Richard • If Angels Fight • (Fairwood Press, cln, tpb)
   Buehlman, Christopher • The Necromancer's House • (Ace, hc)
   + Campbell, Ramsey • Ghosts Know • (Tor, hc)
   Carey, Jacqueline • Autumn Bones • (Penguin/Roc, hc)
   Connolly, Tina • Copperhead • (Tor, hc)
   Donaldson, Stephen R. • The Last Dark • (Penguin/Putnam, hc)
   Grant, Mira • Parasite • (Orbit US, hc)
   Guran, Paula, ed. • Once Upon a Time: New Fairy Tales • (Prime Books,
anth, tpb)
   Jeschke, Wolfgang • The Cusanus Game • (Tor, hc)
   Jeter, K. W. • Fiendish Schemes • (Tor, hc)
   Jones, Stephen, ed. • The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: 24 •
(Running Press, anth, tpb)
   Lackey, Mercedes • Bastion • (DAW, hc)
   Lynch, Scott • The Republic of Thieves • (Ballantine Del Rey, hc)
   Marr, Melissa, & Tim Pratt, eds. • Rags & Bones • (Little, Brown, anth,
   Martin, George R. R., & Gardner Dozois, eds. • Old Mars • (Bantam,
anth, hc)
   Okorafor, Nnedi • Kabu, Kabu • (Prime Books, cln, tpb)
   Pierce, Tamora • Battle Magic • (Scholastic Press, nvl-ya, hc)
   Rice, Anne • The Wolves of Mid-Winter • (Random House/Knopf, hc)
   Simmons, Dan • The Abominable • (Little, Brown/Reagan Arthur Books, hc)
   Valente, Catherynne M. • The Girl Who Soared Over Fairyland and Cut the
Moon in Two • (Macmillan/Feiwel and Friends, nvl-ya, hc)
   VanderMeer, Jeff • Wonderbook: The Illustrated Guide to Creating
Imaginative Fiction • (Abrams Image, hc)
   Weber, David, & Jane Lindskold • Treecat Wars • (Baen, nvl-ya, hc)

November 2013
   + Baxter, Stephen • Iron Winter • (Penguin/Roc, hc)
   Bear, Elizabeth • One-Eyed Jack • (Prime Books, tpb)
   Burgess, Tony • The n-Body Problem • (ChiZine Publications, tpb)
   Carriger, Gail • Curtsies & Conspiracies • (Little, Brown, hc)
   Chu, Wesley • The Deaths of Tao • (Angry Robot US)
   Ee, Susan • World After • (Amazon/Skyscape, nvl-ya, tpb)
   Fenner, Cathy, & Arnie Fenner, eds. • Spectrum 20: The Best in
Contemporary Fantastic Art • (Underwood Books, anth, hc)
   Gladstone, Max • Two Serpents Rise • (Tor, hc)
   Golden, Christopher, ed. • Mister October, Volume I: An Anthlogy in
Memory of Rick Hautala • (JournalStone, anth, hc/tpb)
   Golden, Christopher, ed. • Mister October, Volume II: An Anthlogy in
Memory of Rick Hautala • (JournalStone, anth, hc/tpb)
   Hartwell, David G., & Patrick Nielsen Hayden, eds. • Twenty-First
Century Science Fiction • (Tor, anth, hc)
   Horton, Rich, ed. • Space Opera • (Prime Books, anth, tpb)
   Jones, Stephen, ed. • Weirder Shadows Over Innsmouth • (Fedogan &
Bremer, anth, hc)
   Kadrey, Richard • Dead Set • (Harper Voyager US, hc)
   Kiernan, Caitlín R. • The Ape's Wife and Other Stories • (Subterranean
Press, cln, hc)
   Lee, Sharon, & Steve Miller • Trade Secret • (Baen, hc)
   McDevitt, Jack • Starhawk • (Ace, hc)
   Priest, Cherie • Fiddlehead • (Tor, tpb)
   Shinn, Sharon • Royal Airs • (Ace, hc)
   Watts, Peter • Beyond the Rift • (Tachyon Publications, cln, tpb)
   Wilson, Robert Charles • Burning Paradise • (Tor, hc)
   Wolfe, Gene • The Land Across • (Tor, hc)


Have something for the newsletter? We welcome announcements, news items,
reviews, and artwork. Email it to circularfile at circleofjanus dot org by
the Thursday before the last Saturday of the month for inclusion.

Meeting Info
   The next meeting of the Circle of Janus will be Saturday, October 5,
2013, at the LifeJourney Church, 2950 55th Place, Indianapolis, IN,
starting at 7:00 pm. There is an initial ConCom meeting preceding it
from 5:30 to 6:45. Mike Cowper will be giving a presentation on
cyberterrorism and cyberdefense after the meeting.

   Board Chairman - Andy Andrews
   President - Kat Robertson
   Vice-President - John Belden
   Secretary - Lynette Cowper
   Treasurer - Kent Raquet
   Sergeant at Arms - Ricky Lile
   InConJunction 33 ConChair - Melissa Kocias
   InConJunction 34 ConChair - Andrew Happli
   InConJunction 35 ConChair - Jeff Thompson

The Circular of Janus is a publication of the Circle of Janus Science
Fiction Club of Central Indiana. Subscription is included with membership,
$15.00/year. For information write to Circle of Janus, P.O. Box 68514,
Indianapolis, IN 46268-0514.
 Lynette R. F. Cowper, Editor

Lynette R. F. Cowper

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us
with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use and
by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them." --

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