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InConJunction Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention

Indianapolis, IN

Indianapolis Marriott East

July 6 - 8, 2018

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Complete Guest List for InConJunction 38

JM Lee
Author Guest of Honor
Nocturnal purveyor of fine words.

Born and raised in the great Minnesota north, Joe spent his formative years searching for talking animals and believing he could control the weather. After pursuing nerdy interests in comparative film studies, screenwriting, and Shakespeare, he graduated from the University of Minnesota with a much nerdier degree in linguistics with a focus in Japanese phonology. He currently writes for Gertrude Chandler Warner's beloved children's series THE BOXCAR CHILDREN, and is the author of the official young adult novel prequels to Jim Henson's cult classic THE DARK CRYSTAL, as well as a staff writer and creative consultant on the upcoming Netflix series THE DARK CRYSTAL: AGE OF RESISTANCE.

Lee Cherolis
Artist Guest of Honor
Little Guardians Co-Creator

A card-carrying member of Commander Mark%u2019s Draw Squad, Lee Cherolis is an illustrator and graphic designer from Indianapolis, Indiana and started publishing comics online in 2004. Lee is co-founder and organizer of Indy Webcomics Group, an Indianapolis based comic artist and writers monthly meetup since 2007. Lee edited and published the group%u2019s Welcome to Indiana comic anthology in 2010 and continues to organize and lead workshops and comics talks with the group. Lee teamed up with Writer Ed Cho and Launched the Little Guardians graphic novel series which was picked up by Scout Comics in 2017. Little Guardians Book 1: Trial by Spirit Fire is available in stores now!

For additional information, please refer to Lee Cherolis's Web Page.

The Yavin 4
Music Guest of Honor
Intergalactic Rock and Roll!

The Yavin 4 is Intergalactic Rock (and also Roll).

Ed Cho
Comic Writer Guest of Honor
Little Guardians Co-Creator

Ed Cho is the writer and co-creator of LITTLE GUARDIANS, a fantasy adventure graphic novel series published by Scout Comics. In 2002 he graduated from the University of Illinois with a BA in Creative Writing and a minor in Film Studies. He currently resides in Fishers, Indiana with his wife and two daughters. From 2007 to 2011, Ed worked on a comic strip about his cats called Al and Scout. He is an active member of IWG (Indy Webcomics Group) and his story %u201CSkeletons in the Elevator%u201D was featured in their 2010 anthology entitled: Welcome to Indiana. In addition to writing, Ed plays guitar in The Shake Ups, a rock group that specializes in fandom based original music which includes Steven Universe, My Little Pony: Magic is Friendship, and Voltron.

Oriana Peron
CosPlay Guest of Honor
Venti girl in a grande world.

Oriana Peron has been a cosplayer for 12 years a drag queen for 5 years and was a featured performer at the Austin International Drag Festival. She is a Bloomington Indiana native and studied costume design at Indiana University. Oriana has a love of coffee, video games, cats, and all things that sparkle. During the day she works as a costume and wig designer for theatres local and broad. In Oriana's heyday she won several presentation awards for her skits at Masquarades and now presents panels on costuming, wigs, and more! You can follow Oriana on all social media platforms!

Lou Harry

Lou Harry, has written for more than 50 publications ranging from The Sondheim Review to This Old House and from Variety to Men's Health. His books are as wide ranging, including The High-Impact Infidelity Diet: A novel (Random House and optioned by Warner Bros.), Creative Block (Running Press), Kid Culture (Cider Mill Press), The Voodoo Kit and its many spin-offs (Running Press) and the novelization of the awful movie Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (Penguin). Collectively they have sold more than 1.5 million copies. A playwright, his produced plays include Lightning and Jellyfish, Clutter or The Moving Walkway Will Soon Be Coming to an End, Midwestern Hemisphere, and Going%u2026Going%u2026Gone: The Live Auction Comedy, recently finishing its fifth year in Indianapolis. A member of the Dramatists Guild, he%u2019s also a member of the Indiana Film Journalists Association and a board member of the American Theatre Critics Association, where he chairs its New Play Committee. Up there in his points of pride is his annual IBJ "Best of Gen Con" game review column. Follow him on Twitter @louharry and/or check out

For additional information, please refer to Lou Harry's Web Page.

TammyJo Eckhart, PhD
Featured Guest
Mistress of Edgy Fiction

TammyJo Eckhart is a regular at Inconjunction bringing her fan love of TV, Movies, and Books as well as her experience as an author, educator, and former activist. She is the author of over a dozen fiction and non-fiction books, short stories, and essays some of which you can buy directly from her. Currently she lives in Bloomington where she is an activist and volunteer educator between writing projects, chocolate testing, historical research, and crafting.

For additional information, please refer to TammyJo Eckhart, PhD's Web Page.

The Shake Ups
Featured Guest
Cartoon-Fueled Power-Pop!

The Shake Ups are an award-winning, Indianapolis-based music collective that plays power-pop songs about cartoons and pop culture. For the past half-decade, the band has been wowing audiences across the U.S. at pop culture conventions such as Comic Con, Wizard World, Babscon, Indy Pop Con, BronyCon, Ciderfest and Gen Con, among others. The Shake Ups perform songs from and about their favorite cartoons, including the likes of Scooby Doo, the Powerpuff Girls, Teen Titans, My Little Pony, Star Vs. the Forces of Evil, and Steven Universe. The band's new project, 'Legendary Defenders,' is a musical tribute to the giant robot sci-fi fantasy classic, Voltron! The Shake Ups have been awarded the title of 'Best Local Pop' in Nuvo Newsweekly annual reader's poll for two years running and continue to build on their reputation as a primary force in the independent art community.

For additional information, please refer to The Shake Ups's Web Page.


Also Appearing

Ian Albers

Ian has been attending InCon since childhood. He now teaches high school science and does silly things with groups.

John F. Allen
The Best Is Yet To Come

John F. Allen is an American writer born in Indianapolis, IN. He is a founding member of The Speculative Fiction Guild, began writing stories as early as the second grade and pursued most forms of writing at some point, throughout his career. John studied Liberal Arts at IUPUI with a focus in Creative Writing, received an honorable discharge from the United States Air Force and is a current member of the American Legion. John's debut novel, The God Killers was published in the Summer of 2013 by Seventh Star Press. He also has published short stories in several anthologies including: Thunder on the Battlefield, Vol I, also by Seventh Star Press, In The Bloodstream, by Mocha Memoirs Press, and a novelization of the Science Fiction film, Submerge: Echo 51. John currently resides in Indianapolis, Indiana.

For additional information, please refer to John F. Allen's Web Page.

Marian Allen
Marian Allen, author of the SAGE trilogy and the Warrior Pimchan stories.

Marian Allen was born in Louisville, Kentucky and now lives in rural Indiana. For as long as she can remember, she has loved telling and being told stories. She writes science fiction, fantasy, mystery, humor, horror, mainstream, and anything else she can wrestle into fixed form. Allen's latest books are her science fiction story collection OTHER EARTH, OTHER STARS and her fantasy short story collection SHIFTY: TALES FROM THE WORLD OF SAGE. Her latest short story sale was to Marion Zimmer Bradley's SWORD AND SORCERESS anthology. She is a founding member of the Southern Indiana Writers Group and Editorial Director of Per Bastet Publications. Allen blogs daily at Marian Allen, Author Lady, at Fatal Foodies on Tuesdays and at The Write Type on the 21st of each month. She invites you to visit her at for %u201CFantasies, mysteries, comedies, recipes%u201D and free short stories.

For additional information, please refer to Marian Allen's Web Page.

Dan R. Arman
Ohio-based science fiction/fantasy author

Dan R. Arman is a science fiction and fantasy author of several novels and short stories. He has taught English Composition at Stark State College in Ohio and currently has the most science fiction of all teaching jobs-- teaching online. For several years, he worked as a newspaper reporter, an editor and also teaches at an online high school. He holds a master%u2019s degree in English literature and rhetoric from Kent State University. He currently lives in Akron, OH with his wife, author Rose Withering, and two cats.

For additional information, please refer to Dan R. Arman's Web Page.

Matthew Barron
Mattew Barron writes fiction in different genres and mediums

Matthew Barron spends his days mixing and analyzing human blood as a medical technologist in Indianapolis Indiana. Matthew's diverse fiction has appeared in Outposts of Beyond, Sci Phi Journal, Ill-Considered Expeditions, Gifts of the Magi, Roboterotica, House of Horror, and Welcome to Indiana. He's released three graphic novels: Temple of Secrets, The Brute: Chasing Shadows and Harmony Unbound. In 2015 He wrote and produced a short play for the 2015 Indianapolis Fringe festival. His sword sorcery book, Valora; dystopian novella, Secular City Limits; and kids book, The Lonely Princess, are also available. For more information, visit

For additional information, please refer to Matthew Barron's Web Page.

Maurice Broaddus
Award Winning Horror Author and member of the Indiana Horror Writers

Author of Black Frontiers in the collection Voices From the Other Side (Dark Dreams II) edited by Brandon Massey, Since We Can Die But Once in the collection DeathGrip: Exit Laughing edited by Walt Hicks, Morphean Affairs in the collection Crossings edited by Morgan Powell, A Dog's Day and Dead Love both in the collection Small Bites edited by Garrett Peck and Keith Gouveia, and other nonfiction works.

For additional information, please refer to Maurice Broaddus's Web Page.

Walter Daniels
Indie author and publisher

I'm an RC Charismatic of 33 years, and longtime convention goer (InCon since #1). I've been a dealer, Security staff, and general volunteer.

Matt Dodds

FundipYoshi has been doing panels at cons for almost 3 years. He likes to cosplay animal/anthropomorphic character. He really enjoys film making and things to that nature, as he has a Bachelor's degree in video. He is also a low-key YouTuber, as he have about 300 subscribers. He has loves shows like Voltron, RWBY, Pokemon, and Supernatural.

For additional information, please refer to Matt Dodds's Web Page.

Bryan Donihue
Author of The Knight's Bane Trilogy. Gamer. Game Designer. Nerd. Father of six or seven, depending on the day.

Early in his life, Bryan decided that he would try as many different jobs as possible. Well, it was his high curiosity and low attention span that decided for him. He started in fast food and has worked in sales (retail, used car, business-to-business, door-to-door, credit card processing, vacuum cleaner, and firearms). Bryan has also been a security guard, police officer, and armored car vault manager. And he was a youth pastor.%uFFFD Eventually, he decided he'd take the "easy path" and become a writer. He was an idiot. Writing is not easy, but it turned out, he was pretty good at it. People seemed to like his stories, so he kept telling them. Bryan is currently a published author (fiction and non-fiction), game designer, graphic artist, web designer, consultant, trainer, ministry leader, and multiple-business owner. He is also happily married to his wife of over 20 years, Christina, and father to six or seven kids, depending on the day. He even sleeps occasionally. Bryan is currently writing from a hidden bunker in Grand Rapids, Michigan. At least that's what he claims. We know he sits in a basement home office with a brass plaque that reads "Dungeon" affixed over the door.

For additional information, please refer to Bryan Donihue's Web Page.

Mark Dooley
"Must dash! Things to do... and people to do them to!"

Mark C. Dooley is "De Boss Immeritus" of the Whoosier Network and guardian of the Bifrost to the Doctor Who video room. His love of comics, science-fiction, and fantasy is surpassed only by his love for his wife Deena and his family. He is also the creator of the online comic strip "The Actual, Semi-True Adventures of Mark and Dee", currently running his autobiography "Genesis of a Fanboy", which can be found on his Facebook page.

For additional information, please refer to Mark Dooley's Web Page.

Barbara Doran
New Pulp Author.

Barbara Doran is a local New Pulp author whose work fuses Chinese martial arts themes, fantasy and mad science She is the author of the Golden Dragon series and a short Sinbad story, all published by Airship 27. Her short story, "Dust of the Fallen" took 2nd place in Baen's 2017 Fantasy Contest.

For additional information, please refer to Barbara Doran's Web Page.

Roxy Dragus

I grew up in the wild country of Romania, moved to the wilder country of USA when I was 26 and I still live there.

Rachel Frend
Blogger, Cosplayer, Podcaster and overall fangirl

Rachel has been a geek for as long as she could remember, from watching Disney animated movies on VHS, to recreating the fight scenes from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in the back yard. More recently, she's turned her love of fandom into blogging, cosplaying and podcasting. She now is one of the hosts and the producer of the Five(ish) Fangirls Podcast, an all female driven show about all things geek and pop culture.

For additional information, please refer to Rachel Frend's Web Page.

E. Chris Garrison
Indie Indianapolis author of science fiction, fantasy, and steampunk.

E. Chris Garrison writes fantasy and science fiction novels and short stories. Her latest series is Trans-Continental, a steampunk adventure with a transgender woman as its protagonist. Her Tipsy Fairy Tales stars a bisexual gamer girl, and is set in a magical Indianapolis filled with grimm fairy folk. Chris's supernatural fantasy stories, the Road Ghosts Trilogy, are published by Seventh Star Press. These novels are humorous supernatural fantasies, dealing with ghosts, demonic possession, and fantastic creatures. Her novel, Reality Check, is a science fiction adventure released by Hydra Publications. Reality Check reached #1 in Science Fiction on during a promotion in July 2013. Chris lives in Indianapolis, Indiana, with her wife, step-daughter and many cats. She also enjoys gaming, home brewing beer, and finding innovative uses for duct tape.

For additional information, please refer to E. Chris Garrison's Web Page.

Casey Glanders

Casey Glanders has been ghost writing for over a decade, and five years ago decided to start penning works under his own name. His biggest success has come from creating the long-running and critically acclaimed Gailsone series. He recently released the third full-length Gailsone novel, Head of the Dragon, earlier this year. He has also recently published his first children's novel, Poppet. Casey lives with his family in Westfield, Indiana. He is currently working on the fourth Gailsone novel and a second children's book, both of which he hopes to have out by 2019.

For additional information, please refer to Casey Glanders's Web Page.

Jacob Glenn
Culture Historian

Jacob began his legendary journey in the rolling corn fields of Fort Wayne, Indiana, until being called upon by the Universe to champion the history of the video games, movies, and TV shows of Yore. Jacob satisfies the Universe's calls by making comics, movie analyses, and obscure references.

For additional information, please refer to Jacob Glenn's Web Page.

J.T. Grainger
Author of the new fantasy fiction series The World Beyond the Stairs.

J.T. Grainger is a new fantasy/science fiction author based in Indianapolis, Indiana. In his spare time, he works in public education and provides support and services to students with special needs. He holds a degree from Indiana University and spent a period of eight years writing and revising the manuscript for his four-part fantasy fiction series, The World Beyond the Stairs. His first book in the series, Mary%u2019s Journey, will be released online and in book stores on May 29th, 2018 through Cali-FLY Books.

For additional information, please refer to J.T. Grainger's Web Page.

Katie Grause
Nerd, geek, and dork; too old to be a schoolgirl, too young to be a Golden Girl.

A geek of many fandoms, Katie enjoys aspects of many genres - from comics, sci-fi, and anime to gaming, costuming, and the net. She is also currently the female half of a band, Fate Pies. This is her twelfth InConJunction. You may spot her this weekend as Carrie Kelley, a catgirl, or wearing one of her favorite geek tees she can't wear to work!

Joe Greene
Boot em up and Take em down!

InconJunction 37 ConChair, 'Tactical Tank Admiral' of MystBrigade Starship Bridge Simulations, Networking and Linux Administrator, Gryphon fan.

For additional information, please refer to Joe Greene's Web Page.

T. Lee Harris
Author of the Eloquent Scribe and the Case of the Moche Rolex

T. Lee Harris is a scribbler of the lowest order. Not only does she pen lies about people who don't exist, she draws pictures of them, too. Harris, in the guise of a publisher with Per Bastet Publications, has aided and abetted others by putting their scribblings into book form; going so far as to devise covers for many of those tomes. She claims she went to school to learn these things, but that shouldn't be held against anyone. Harris is, in turn, aided and abetted by Per Bastet Publications, who have allowed her to run roughshod over history in her stories about an ancient Egyptian scribe and a magic temple cat, and spread her prevarications about a former football player and a 200 year-old vampire turned international law enforcement agents. Hydra Publications cannot escape blame; they have promulgated her lies about a retired spy who gets mixed up in other people's business. The Southern Indiana Writers' Group are possibly the worst offenders of all, having repeatedly permitted her to commit acts of literary vandalism with the Indian Creek Anthology Series. There are suspicions that Harris is committing another novel or two, but this has yet to be confirmed.

For additional information, please refer to T. Lee Harris's Web Page.

Ronald Hawkins
A journalist for more than 40 years and a lifelong science fiction enthusiast, Ronald Hawkins is the founder of RDH Great Stories.

A journalist for more than 40 years and a lifelong science fiction enthusiast, Ronald Hawkins is the founder of RDH Great Stories. He has been a participant on multiple InConJunction panels, conducted panels and provided video for panels. He has provided videos and other materials for the InConJunction and Circle of Janus Facebook pages. His website is

For additional information, please refer to Ronald Hawkins's Web Page.

Cathy Hird
YA fantasy author

Cathy Hird is a storyteller, a shepherd and a weaver. Her first two YA fantasy novels drew on Greek mythology. Although her first two novels were set in ancient Greece, her current trilogy begins in rural Ontario and travels to Scotland and France, chasing Arthurian themes. Cathy runs a sheep farm with her family, and shepherds a small rural church in Ontario. She weaves stoles and tapestries. Among Cathy's favorite authors are Guy Gavriel Kay and, of course, J. R. R. Tolkien. She loves to discover new fantasy and SciFi authors, especially enjoying work by writers from diverse backgrounds.

For additional information, please refer to Cathy Hird's Web Page.

Rob Howell
Without books, either he or his parents would not have survived.

Rob is a reformed medieval academic who draws upon those skills and resources for his stories and settings. He has also been an IT professional, a cook, and a soda jerk. As a child, his parents discovered about the only way to keep him quiet was to give him a book. Without books, either he or his parents probably would not have survived. Possibly both. He decided to write professionally when he discovered he was too educated for most jobs, and not quite educated enough for a few. Fortunately, he had always written and this was his chance to follow in the footsteps of Forester, Tolkien, Weber, Drake, Parker, Chandler, and Francis. You can find him at or on Amazon at Check out his blog at

For additional information, please refer to Rob Howell's Web Page.

Daniel Humphreys

Local author of post-apocalyptic sci-fi and urban fantasy.

For additional information, please refer to Daniel Humphreys's Web Page.

Melissa Kocias
Event planner by day, superhero by night, time traveler extraordinaire!

Born outside of time and space, Melissa has explored the far reaches of the galaxy. She worked for a time in 1848, and sailed a starship through the stars. Her Muggle job involves managing academic conferences and conventions, and her fun job involves managing geek conferences and conventions. One day, she might even publish her not yet renowned book, Klingons in the Mist.

Beckie Margedant
She's a friggin' Saint.

Beckie is your 2018 ConChair, and she's going to try her hardest to not burn this place down. She's been running around and working this convention for twelve years. She loves loud music and her dogs. LLAP, y'all.

Sara Marian
Sara Marian is an author of both fiction and non-fiction, a partner in Per Bastet Publications, and an archaeologist.

Sara Marian was raised in the woods by wild English teachers, and has been writing for as long as she can remember. She works as a technician for a Louisville archaeology firm, as well as writing articles for the Clio history website. In addition, she is a partner in Per Bastet Publications, a small press in the Louisville Metro area. Her fiction ranges from literary to fantasy, with plenty of genre-bending in between.

For additional information, please refer to Sara Marian's Web Page.

Troy Maynard
Troy Maynard is a giant Viking, foodie, geeky gamer, father of three and master of none. Catch up on all the fun at

Troy Maynard is a giant Viking, foodie, geeky gamer, father of three and master of none. Between frequent photographs of meals and occasional pillaging (alleged), he writes his thoughts on life from his Mead Hall in the rolling hills of southern Indiana. Ransacking passing ships doesn't pay the bills, so he also works in the software industry, where he gets to use his tantrum management skills on a daily basis. You can read more of his stories and thoughts on parenting on his blog,, and in his column My Dad Voice in Limestone Post Magazine,

For additional information, please refer to Troy Maynard's Web Page.

Flint Mitchell
To sum it all up: I like to make things, whether they be robots, books, websites or videos.

A regular at SF conventions as a dealer for decades, until illness sidetracked him; but now more than ready to get back into the swing of things. Editor, LISFAN fanzine, 1981-1990 Editor/writer "You Can Build the Lost in Space Robot" book 1996 Editor/writer "the Lost in Space Encyclopedia 1-3, 2011 to present Creator/owner Science Fiction and Beer Roku channel 2016 to present Filmmaker: "Why Are They Here? What Do They Want?" 2016 robot builder (two so far) 2016 to present

For additional information, please refer to Flint Mitchell's Web Page.

Jon Osborne
First year author with two books (A Reluctant Druid and A Tempered Warrior) and stories in the 4HU Anthologies A Fistful Of Credits and The Good, The Bad, And The Merc.

At thirteen years old, Jon R. Osborne discovered a passion for two things %u2013 writing and telling stories. Instead of doing what a normal author-to-be would do and write stories, Jon wrote for his school newspaper and told stories through the medium of running role-playing games for his friends. Journalism helped pay the way through college, and gaming garnered him lifelong friends. After college, journalism didn%u2019t pan out as a career, but Jon continued creating worlds and forging stories with his friends. Fast forward almost thirty years; Jon is still a gamer who every now and then dabbles with writing. A long-time friend and fellow gamer who had found success as an author, Mark Wandrey, convinced Jon to submit a short story for an anthology. Jon%u2019s story was accepted, and it gave him the impetus to finish his first novel, A Reluctant Druid. Living in Indianapolis, Jon still games, and continues to write. You can find out more about Jon at Fans who sign up for his mailing list will receive %u201CChapter 0%u201D for A Reluctant Druid and be the first to hear news about Jon%u2019s newest books and stories.

For additional information, please refer to Jon Osborne's Web Page.

Rembert Parker
Author, Long-Time Fandom member,

Oops, didn't notice this area before filling out a panel suggestion box. I've been active in fandom since the sixties, been on a few WorldCon committees, countless local and regional committeees, ran conventions in a half-dozen states (including cons in Evansville). I ran AOL's SF and Comics area for over a decade. I've run a comic and game store for at least 25 years. I had a syndicated fanzine column back in the pre-web days. TSR/WOTC and other gaming companies have published some of my gaming adventures (mostly Dungeons and Dragons stuff). Lately, I've been writing books (NY Times hasn't noticed them yet, but both have been Amazon #1 Best Sellers in obscure little categories). I applied to sell those books (and maybe some of my gaming publications if I can find any) in Creators Alley. I'm pretty sure I can help with programming panels of all kinds. Oh...third person. Silly editorial demands...guess that will have to wait for the first rewrite...

For additional information, please refer to Rembert Parker's Web Page.

Rob Pyatt, Ph.D.
Stand-up Scientist Dr. Rob Pyatt

Robert Pyatt describes himself as a stand-up scientist. He holds a B.S. in Biology with a minor in Theater from Indiana University, an M.S. in Biology from Purdue University, and a Ph.D. in Pathology from Ohio State University. Rob is passionate about science education, in both formal and informal learning environments. He previously served as a %u201CResident Scientist%u201D for the monthly live talk show %u201CThe Not So Late Show with Johnny Diloretto%u201D and as a %u201CGFC Science Guy%u201D at the Gateway Film Center, both in Columbus, Ohio. Since moving to Sioux Falls in April of 2017, Rob has established a STEM festival for elementary students and their families in the Harrisburg school system, contributed to founding the Sioux Falls Science Pub, and presented informal education events for Sanford Imagenetics including %u201CGenetics in the Movies%u201D.

Jill Racop
Toy geek who enjoys making and remaking things.

Loves to take existing toys and art supplies and combine them into fun and different things. Also enjoys geeking out with others about making things.

Mike Suess
Purveyor of many little bits of knowledge. Sometimes.

This is Mike's 37th year at Inconjunction. He's worked at the Hero House (a comic shop) in Fountain Square for the last seven years. He loves (and enjoys endlessly conversing about) his favorite sports teams, comics, Science Fiction, time travel, Star Trek, movies of all types, American Animation and even politics. Hell, he'll talk about anything. Those are just some of his favorite topics.

R.J. Sullivan
RJ is a science fiction and fantasy author with Seventh Star Press and the co-founder of the Speculative Fiction Guild.

R.J. Sullivan%u2019s book Commanding the Red Lotus is a novel-length collection of three space opera tales in the tradition of Andre Norton and Gene Roddenberry. His novel Haunting Blue is an edgy paranormal thriller and the first book of the adventures of punk girl Fiona %u201CBlue%u201D Shaefer and her boyfriend Chip Farren. Seventh Star Press also released Haunting Obsession, a Rebecca Burton Novella, and Virtual Blue, the second part of Fiona%u2019s tale. R.J.%u2019s short stories have been featured in such acclaimed collections as Dark Faith Invocations by Apex Books and Vampires Don%u2019t Sparkle. These stories were compiled in R.J.%u2019s 2015 collection Darkness with a Chance of Whimsy. His work in progress is a blend of SF and fantasy that should be ready for Inconjunction 39. He resides with his family in Heartland Crossing, Indiana. He drinks regularly from a Little Mermaid coffee mug and is man enough to admit it.

For additional information, please refer to R.J. Sullivan's Web Page.

JW Troemner
JW Troemner is the author of the "Urban Dragon" series, "Tatter and Shine", and several short stories.

JW Troemner was born in Germany and emigrated to the United States. Since then, she's spent most of her life orbiting around Indianapolis, where she can be often found gazing longingly at caverns and abandoned buildings. Love of the city and the not-so-lovable elements within it formed the inspiration of the Urban Dragon series, an urban fantasy series set in Indianapolis.

For additional information, please refer to JW Troemner's Web Page.

Clifford VanMeter
Author of the Orion the Hunter Series

I am currently the author of the space opera series, Orion the Hunter, but I have a long history in games and comics before I began writing SF books. I began my career as an illustrator working primarily in the role-playing game field. My work included the Star Trek and Dr. Who role-playing games for FASA, and lead to a long run on titles like Battle-Tech, the DC Universe Role Playing Game, Chill, Traveller and much more. Later I founded Starchilde Studios where I created, wrote and published the game Justifiers RPG. Moving to New York to pursue work in comics, I wrote and drew for Valiant Comics, Marvel, Milestone/DC Comics, and Image. After leaving Valiant, I started Comicolor, one of the first digital coloring and lettering companies for comic books in North America.

For additional information, please refer to Clifford VanMeter's Web Page.

Scott Varney

I've been attending Inconjuction regularly for the last several years. I've worked in the film industry for over 30 years and have a near encyclopedic knowledge of film and film history along with knowledge of the whole distribution system.

For additional information, please refer to Scott Varney's Web Page.

J Welin
Be a Hammer and not a nail

J.Welin is an award winning chef and film maker though he calls Atlanta his home he is very content to be a transplant to Louisville, Kentucky. He began his film career after a his foray into radical journalism. For the the last 17 years he has spent working on film and media projects from Hollywood films such as Halloween 2 and Family Blood. He most recently was camera operator for 144th Kentucky Derby over the starting gate.

For additional information, please refer to J Welin's Web Page.

NOTE: This page contains archived web-site content.
Go to the InConJunction Home Page to view the information for the current year.

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